Søk: 'Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services'
How to do a Research Project: A Guide for Undergraduate Students
ISBN 9781405114899 , 2006 , Colin Robson
An Introduction to Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century
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Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research: Human Factors of Remotely Operated Vehicles[
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The IMS: IP multimedia concepts and services
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The Craft of Research, Third Edition
ISBN 9780226065663 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb,m.fl.
Baboon Metaphysics: The Evolution of a Social Mind
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Introducing Qualitative Research: A Student's Guide to the Craft of Doing Qualitative Research
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Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm
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Valuepack: An Introduction to Human Geography:Issues for the 21st Century with Social Geographies: Space and Society
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Distributed Services with OpenAFS: for Enterprise and Education
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A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Research
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Understanding Social Work: Preparing for Practice
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Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach with CDROM
ISBN 9780073403946 , 2006 , William F. Messier, Steven M. Glover,m.fl.
Better Quality Services: Guidance for Senior Managers
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Aristotle's Organon in Epitome, The Poetics, The Rhetoric, The Analytics: Aristotle's Tool-kit
ISBN 9780773488847 , 1996 , Victorino Tejera
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. W. Lawrence Neuman
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Religion as a Social Phenomenon: theologians and Sociologists Sharing Research Interests
ISBN 9788251908665 , 1988 , Erik Karlsaune
Human Development: A Life-span View
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A Human Geography of Spain
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Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective
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Reflexive methodology: new vistas for qualitative research
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Human Computer Interaction Research in Web Design And Evaluation
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Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach
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Action research : a Nordic perspective
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The Social Animal
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What Works for Whom?: A Critical Review of Psychotherapy Research
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AS Applied Business for Edexcel (Single Award)
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Being Reflexive in Critical and Social Educational Research
ISBN 9780203486825 , 2002 , Geoffrey Shacklock, John Smyth
Managing High-tech Services Using a CRM Strategy
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