Søk: 'Art and Society in the Middle Ages'
Economy and Society: Overviews in Economic Sociology
ISBN 9780803984172 , 1990 , Neil J. Smelser, Alberto Martinelli
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Business Ethics and Society
ISBN 9780073527314 , 2010
Constructing History, Society and Politics in Discourse: Multimodal Approaches
ISBN 9788773079485 , 2010
Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750
ISBN 9780300079395 , 1999 , Rudolf Wittkower, Joseph Connors,m.fl.
Mass Media and Society
ISBN 9780340884997 , 2005 , James Curran, Michael Gurevitch
Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society
ISBN 9780195171600 , 2004 , Robert D. Putnam
Apples Are Blue: Understanding The Art In The Artist
ISBN 9781418450472 , 2004 , Peggy Blood
The Art Of Brevity: Excursions In Short Fiction Theory And Analysis
ISBN 9781570035579 , 2004 , Hans H. Skei, Jakob Lothe, Per Winther
Signs and Symbols in Christian Art
ISBN 9780195014327 , 1977 , George Ferguson
Mass mediations: New approaches to popular culture in the Middle East and beyond
ISBN 9780520219267 , 2000
The Middle East Water Question: Hydropolitics and the Global Economy
ISBN 9781860648137 , 2001 , Tony Allan
Cohabitation, family and society
ISBN 9780415368414 , 2006
Islam in Asia: Religion, Politics, and Society
ISBN 9780195040821 , 1987 , John L. Esposito
Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science
ISBN 9780240805450 , 2002
Contemporary China: Society and Social Change
ISBN 9781107600799 , 2013 , Tamara Jacka, Sally Sargeson
Art and Ceremony in Late Antiquity
ISBN 9780520037793 , 1981 , Sabine McCormack
Aftershock: conflict, violence, and resolution in contemporary art
ISBN 9780946009558 , 2007 , Amanda Geitner, Yasmin Canvin, Matthew Shaul
A Companion to the History of the Middle East
ISBN 9781405183796 , 2008 , Youssef M. Choueiri
The Art of Greece and Rome
ISBN 9780521540377 , 2004 , Susan Woodford
Agrarian Economy, State and Society in Contemporary Tanzania
ISBN 9781859726273 , 1999 , Sam Maghimbi, Peter Glover Forster
Art in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9781856692663 , 2001 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics: Research-based Guidance for Ages 9-19
ISBN 9780199665518 , 2013 , Anne Watson
Knowledge and Society
ISBN 9780892329731 , 1992 , Arie Rip, Linda L. Layne
Deeper shades of purple: womanism in religion and society
ISBN 9780814727539 , 2006 , Karen Baker-Fletcher, Katie Geneva Cannon,m.fl.
Deeper Shades of Purple: Womanism in Religion and Society
ISBN 9780814727522 , 2006 , Karen Baker-Fletcher, Katie Geneva Cannon,m.fl.
The Story of Art
ISBN 9780714847030 , 2006 , E. H. Gombrich
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages
ISBN 9781840649222 , 2002 , Carlota Pérez
Art and Politics in China, 1949-1984
ISBN 9789622016491 , 1998 , Maria Galikowski
Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780521643009 , 2000 , Patricia Lee Rubin, Giovanni Ciappelli
The Competitive Society: How Democratic and Effective?
ISBN 9788276346459 , 2004 , Noralv Veggeland