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Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: Marketing, Negotiating, and Managing Across Cultures
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Citizenship and Immigration in Post-War Britain: The Institutional Origins of a Multicultural Nation
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Globalization: The Key Concepts
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Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship
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Citizenship and Involvement in European Democracies: A Comparative Analysis
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Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions
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French Business Dictionary: The Business Terms of France And Canada
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Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective
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Excavations at Tepe Guran in Luristan: The Bronze Age and Iron Age Periods
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Mediating Business: The Expansion of Business Journalism
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Art in the Hellenistic Age
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
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Globalization, development and the mass media
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Modernity and self-identity: self and society in the late modern age
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Citizenship and Social Class
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Qualitative Research in Business and Management
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Environmental ethics: readings in theory and application
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Designing and Managing the Supply Chain
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The Business of Tourism
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The Politics of Migration: Managing Opportunity, Conflict and Change
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Corporate Diplomacy: The Strategy for a Volatile, Fragmented Business Environment
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The Politics of Globalization: A Reader
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Embedded Sustainability: The Next Big Competitive Advantage
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Essentials of Corporate Finance
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Political Leadership in a Global Age: The Experience of France and Norway
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