Søk: 'Central Europe'
Big Strategies for Small Business: Exceptional Projects in Europe
ISBN 9780230223318 , 2009
European Regions: The Territorial Structure of Europe since 1870
ISBN 9781403920522 , 2009 , Peter Flora, Franz Kraus, Daniele Caramani,m.fl.
Genocide, the World Wars and the Unweaving of Europe
ISBN 9780853037200 , 2007 , Donald Bloxham
Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance
ISBN 9780719073700 , 2007 , Carlo Ruzza
Activating the citizen: dilemmas of participation in Europe and Canada
ISBN 9780230575943 , 2009 , Joan DeBardeleben, Jon H. Pammett
Defence Outlook: Europe 1999 : a Strategic Overview
ISBN 9781900552110 , 1999 , Robert Jarman, Yvonne Headington
Wolff's Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit: Including the Central Connections, De
ISBN 9780412410109 , 1997 , 8. utgave , Eugene Wolff, Anthony J. Bron, Rama C Tripathi,m.fl.
Athlone History of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe
ISBN 9780485891041 , 2002 , Bengt Ankarloo, Stuart Clark, E. William Monter
The Lands Between: A History of Eastern Europe, 1815-1968
ISBN 9780571258963 , 2011 , Alan Palmer
Globalisation, Migration, and the Future of Europe: Insiders and Outsiders
ISBN 9780415669047 , 2011 , Leila Simona Talani
Europe and England in the Sixteenth Century
ISBN 9780415150415 , 1998 , Terence Alan Morris
Neither here nor there: travels in Europe
ISBN 9780552998062 , 1998 , Bill Bryson
Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe, 900-1300
ISBN 9780198731474 , 1997 , Susan Reynolds
Eastern Europe: Politics, Culture, and Society Since 1939
ISBN 9780253212566 , 1999 , Sabrina Petra Ramet
Development of a Meso-Scale Central-Porous-Fuel-Inlet Combustor: Concept, Design and Application
ISBN 9783639108750 , 2008 , Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao
Classical Rhetoric and the Visual Arts in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780521844352 , 2007 , Caroline van Eck
The United States and Western Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9780199266685 , 2003 , Geir Lundestad
Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000
ISBN 9780511058660 , 2003 , Hugh McLeod, McLeod/Ustorf
China and Maritime Europe, 1500-1800: Trade, Settlement, Diplomacy, and Missions
ISBN 9780521432603 , 2010 , John Cranmer-Byng, Willard J. Peterson,m.fl.
Arid ways: cultural understandings of insecurity in Fulbe society, central Mali
ISBN 9789055380138 , 1995 , Mirjam De Bruijn, Han van Dijk
Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of European Integration
ISBN 9780415180146 , 2000 , Cris Shore
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe, V1
ISBN 9781435347090 , 2007 , J. H. Carlton Hayes
The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe: 950-1350
ISBN 9780754651062 , 2005 , Alan Cooper, III Berkhofer Robert F.
Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment: Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Co-Operation
ISBN 9789087280406 , 2008 , Ineke Van De Meene, Benjamin Van Rooij
Europe and the people without history
ISBN 9780520048980 , 1982 , Eric R. Wolf
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe
ISBN 9783110180800 , 2004 , Karsten Renckstorf, Denis McQuail,m.fl.
An agenda for a growing Europe: the Sapir report
ISBN 9780199271498 , 2004
An Agenda for a Growing Europe: The Sapir Report
ISBN 9780199271481 , 2004
Europe Today: National Politics, European Integration and European Security
ISBN 9780742528055 , 2004 , Ronald Tiersky
Europe today: National politics, European integration, and European security
ISBN 9780742528048 , 2004 , Ronald Tiersky