Søk: 'Cinema And Semiotic: Peirce And Film Aesthetics, Narration, And Representation'
A celebration of demons: exorcism and the aesthetics of healing in Sri Lanka
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Music and Emotion: Theory and Research
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Education and Technology: Key Issues and Debates
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Heat and mass transfer : fundamentals and applications
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Japanese Horror Cinema
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Remapping World Cinema
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HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
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Representation Theory of Artin Algebras
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The Continental aesthetics reader
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Case Study Research: Design and Methods
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Glaciers and Glaciation
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American Cinema/American Culture
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Thinking, fast and slow
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The Continental Aesthetics Reader
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History on Film/Film on History
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Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: Text and Cases
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A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics
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The Aesthetics of Everyday Life
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