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Ambient Networks: Co-operative Mobile Networking for the Wireless World
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Strategy and Governance of Networks: Cooperatives, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances
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Annual Review of Network Management and Security
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AAA and network security for mobile access: radius, diameter, EAP, PKI and IP mobility
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The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress: China's Search for Security
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Lean Six Sigma for Service: How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions
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Understanding Global Security
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An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies
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The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles
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Technical Communication and the World Wide Web
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Brand relations management: bridging the gap between between brand promise and brand delivery
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Ambient networks: co-operative mobile networking for the wireless world
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Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies
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Site Engineering for Landscape Architects, 5th Edition, w/ Web
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Critical Security Studies: An Introduction
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Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization, And Transnational Networks
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