Søk: 'Creativity and Practice Research Papers'
Strategies and Tactics of Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780805858822 , 2008
Attachment Therapy with Adolescents and Adults: Theory and Practice Post-Bowlby: Theory and Practice Post-Bowlby
ISBN 9781780493473 , 2009 , Dorothy Heard, Brian Lake, Una McCluskey
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice
ISBN 9781856044820 , 2003 , Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster
Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives And Practice
ISBN 9780807745700 , 2005 , Catherine Twomey Fosnot
Digital Designs: Principles And Practice
ISBN 9780131733497 , 2005 , John F. Wakerly
Philosophical Papers: Volume 1, Human Agency and Language
ISBN 9780521317504 , 1985 , Charles Taylor
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780131247208 , 2005 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780205075836 , 2011 , Theodore H. Cohn
The Bryggen Papers: Supplementary series
ISBN 9788276745016 , 1998 , Ingvild Øye
Internet marketing: strategy, implementation and practice
ISBN 9780273717409 , 2008 , Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-chadwick, Richard Mayer,m.fl.
Introduction to leadership: concepts and practice
ISBN 9781412916554 , 2008 , Peter Guy Northouse
Introduction to leadership: concepts and practice
ISBN 9781412970754 , 2008 , Peter Guy Northouse
Educational Research and Policy-making: Exploring the Border Country Between Research and Policy
ISBN 9780415411752 , 2007 , Lesley Saunders
Comparative education research: approaches and methods
ISBN 9789628093533 , 2007
Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation
ISBN 9780470283547 , 2009 , Sharan B. Merriam
Technology and Medical Practice: Blood Guts and Machines
ISBN 9780754678366 , 2010 , Boel Berner, Ericka Johnson
Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice
ISBN 9780878451227 , 2003 , Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster
Exposure Therapy for Anxiety: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9781462509690 , 2013 , Stephen P. H. Whiteside
When Sparks Fly: Harnessing the Power of Group Creativity
ISBN 9781591397939 , 2005 , Dorothy Leonard-Barton, Walter C. Swap
Public Relations: Concepts, Practice and Critique
ISBN 9781412930482 , 2007 , Jacquie L'Etang
Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780273646464 , 2001
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches
ISBN 9781412995306 , 2012 , John W. Creswell
Papers in African Prehistory
ISBN 9780521095662 , 1970 , J. D. Fage, R. A. Oliver
Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
ISBN 9781446240939 , 2013 , Keith F. Punch
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780073532028 , 2010 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Network management: principles and practice
ISBN 9780201357424 , 1999 , Mani Subramanian
Software engineering: principles and practice
ISBN 9780471975083 , 2000 , Hans van Vliet
Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps
ISBN 9781405186193 , 2009 , Margaret Cargill, Patrick O'Connor
Research Methods in Business Studies
ISBN 9780273712046 , 2010 , Pervez N. Ghauri, Professor Kjell Gronhaug
Doing Development Research
ISBN 9781412902854 , 2006 , Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter, Rob Potter