Søk: 'Differential Equations: Linear, Nonlinear, Ordinary, Partial'
A Course in Linear Algebra: With Applications
ISBN 9789812700247 , 2006 , Derek John Scott Robinson
Log-linear models for event histories
ISBN 9780761909378 , 1997 , Jeroen K. Vermunt
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780030602894 , 1984 , Chi-Tsong Chen
An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
ISBN 9780470232866 , 2008 , Gerard E. Keough, Paul R. Thie
Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version Student Solution Manual
ISBN 9780470458228 , 2010
An Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780216914377 , 1983 , Thomas A. Whitelaw
Linear algebra and its applications: Study guide
ISBN 9780201770131 , 2003 , David C. Lay
A Clinician's Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis: The Text
ISBN 9780415390521 , 2006 , Paul I. Schneiderman, M.D.,m.fl.
A Clinician's Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis: The Atlas
ISBN 9780415390514 , 2006 , Paul I. Schneiderman, M.D., Marc E. Grossman
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems: In Honor of Alberto Isidori
ISBN 9783642093784 , 2010 , Lorenzo Marconi, Alessandro Astolfi
Digital nonlinear editing: editing film and video on the desktop
ISBN 9780240802251 , 1998 , Thomas A. Ohanian
Design Of Nonlinear Control Systems With The Highest Derivative In Feedback
ISBN 9789812388995 , 2004 , Valery D. Yurkevich
Applied Linear Optimal Control: Examples and Algorithms
ISBN 9780521012317 , 2002 , Arthur Earl Bryson
Applied Linear Optimal Control: Examples and Algorithms
ISBN 9780521812856 , 2002 , Arthur Earl Bryson
A Basis for Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471104612 , 1973 , Warren Brisley
An engineering approach to finite element analysis of linear structural mechanics problems
ISBN 9788232102686 , 2013
Hierarchical Nonlinear Switching Control Design with Applications to Propulsion Systems
ISBN 9781852333355 , 2000 , Alexander Leonessa, Wassim M. Haddad,m.fl.
Advanced Linear Models: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9780824791698 , 1993 , Song-gui Wang, Shein-Chung Chow, Sung-Kuei Wang
A Course in Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780677035703 , 1972 , Gareth Williams
A Course In Linear Algebra
ISBN 9782881244902 , 1972 , Gareth Williams
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780387986395 , 2001 , Michael Frazier
Linear Algebra and Its Applications: Study Guide
ISBN 9780201709704 , 2003 , David C. Lay
Deterministic Operations Research: Models and Methods in Linear Optimization
ISBN 9780470484517 , 2010 , David J. Rader
Application of Local Model Networks to Nonlinear System Identification and Control
ISBN 9783832235468 , 2005 , Abid Ali
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s
ISBN 9780195050011 , 2000 , Sheila Fitzpatrick
Elementary Diffential Equations with Boundary Value Problems.: International Edition
ISBN 9780131293465 , 2004 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards
Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780862383169 , 1993 , Zhexian Wan
3,000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780070380233 , 1988 , Seymour Lipschutz
Advanced numerical approximation of nonlinear hyperbolic equations: lectures given at the 2nd session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Cetraro, Italy, June 23-28, 1997
ISBN 9783540649779 , 1998 , Bernardo Cockburn, Alfio Quarteroni,m.fl.
Acoustic and Electromagnetic Equations: Integral Representations for Harmonic Problems
ISBN 9780387951553 , 2001 , Jean-Claude Nédélec