Søk: 'Economics of Social Issues'
Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family
ISBN 9780674047273 , 2010 , Nancy Folbre
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631210627 , 2000 , Marilynn B. Brewer, Rupert Brown,m.fl.
International Economics: Theory and Policy
ISBN 9780321553980 , 2008 , Maurice Obstfeld, Paul Robin Krugman
The economics of the welfare state
ISBN 9780804722063 , 1993 , N. A. Barr
The Social Animal
ISBN 9781429233415 , 2011 , Elliot Aronson
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415412377 , 2008
Applying political theory: issues and debates
ISBN 9780230555082 , 2009 , Katherine Smits
Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions
ISBN 9780748623303 , 2007 , Clive Lawton, Peggy Morgan
Urban and Regional Economics
ISBN 9780198776451
Critical Issues in Brand Management
ISBN 9780954973001 , 2005 , L.De Chernatony, Temi Abimbola
Leading Issues in Economic Development
ISBN 9780195179606 , 2005 , Gerald M. Meier, James E. Rauch, Gearld Meier
Medical Malpractice: Issues and Law
ISBN 9781590339176 , 2003
International Economics
ISBN 9780072903874 , 1999 , Peter H. Lindert, Thomas A. Pugel
ISBN 9780901626011 , 1969 , Edward T. Nevin
Economics of the Public Sector
ISBN 9780471361831 , 1970 , Robert H. Haveman
Economics of Health and Health Care, The
ISBN 9780131293441 , 2004 , Miron Stano, Sherman Folland, Allen C. Goodman
The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521844154 , 2004 , Hal R. Varian, Carl Shapiro, Joseph Farrell
Boundary Issues in Central Asia
ISBN 9781571051431 , 2002 , Necati Polat
Methodological Thinking: Basic Principles of Social Research Design
ISBN 9781412997201 , 2012 , Donileen R. Loseke
From Classical Economics to Development Economics
ISBN 9780333604144 , 1994 , Gerald M. Meier
Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education
ISBN 9780335215966 , 2005 , Nicola Yelland
Making sense of the social world: methods of investigation
ISBN 9781412969390 , 2010 , Daniel F. Chambliss, Russell K. Schutt
Law and economics: essays in honour of Erling Eide
ISBN 9788202336110 , 2010 , Erik Røsæg, Endre Stavang, Erling Eide,m.fl.
A Structural Theory of Social Influence
ISBN 9780521030458 , 2006 , Noah E. Friedkin, Mark Granovetter
Making Sense of Social Movements
ISBN 9780335206025 , 2002 , Nick Crossley
The Social Psychology of Food
ISBN 9780335207541 , 2002 , Mark Conner, Stephen Sutton,m.fl.
Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies
ISBN 9780198742005 , 1999 , Gosta Esping-Andersen
Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies
ISBN 9780198742012 , 1999 , Gosta Esping-Andersen
Theoretical Issues in Psychology: An Introduction
ISBN 9780761942016 , 2006 , Sacha Bem, Huibert Looren de Jong
Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism
ISBN 9780745622477 , 2005