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An Introduction to Data Envelopment Analysis: A Tool for Performance Measurement
ISBN 9780761997610 , 2003 , Ramu Ramanathan
Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective
ISBN 9780134897332 , 1996 , John R. Jensen
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Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing: International Conference on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2007 Paris, France, May 22-25, 2007 Revised Selected Papers
ISBN 9783540773467 , 2008 , Mohamed Chetouani, Amir Hussain, Bruno Gas,m.fl.
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ISBN 9780780313163 , 1995 , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Performance Measurement Explained: Designing and Implementing Your State-Of-The-Art System / Bjrn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
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Space-Time Wireless Systems: From Array Processing to MIMO Communications
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Measuring health: a review of quality of life measurement scales
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Auditory processing disorder (APD) hos børn: grundlag, klinik, diagnostik, behandling
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Efficient Processing with Constraint-logic Grammars Using Grammar Compilation
ISBN 9781575863061 , 2001 , Guido Minnen
Efficient Processing with Constraint-logic Grammars Using Grammar Compilation
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A Computational Model of Auditory Masking Based on Signal-dependent Compression
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ISBN 9780819461049 , 2006 , Edward R. Dougherty
Young Children Learn Measurement and Geometry: A Learning-teaching Trajectory With Intermediate Attainment Targets for the Lower Grades in Primary School
ISBN 9789087903978 , 2008 , Kees Buys, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
The art of computer systems performance analysis: techniques for experimental design, measurement, simulation, and modeling
ISBN 9780471503361 , 1991 , R. K. Jain
The Pocket Handbook of Image Processing Algorithms in C
ISBN 9780137033478 , 1993 , Harley R. Myler, Arthur R. Weeks
A Reference Manual for Human Performance Measurement in the Field of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
ISBN 9780773487888 , 1996 , David A. Brodie
Hydrocarbon Management: HM 60 Guidelines for the Auditing of Measurement Systems for the UK Upstream Oil and Gas Industry
ISBN 9780852934845 , 2007
A Versatile DSP/FPGA Structure Optimized for Rapid Prototyping and Digital Real-time Simulation of Power Electronic and Electrical Drive Systems
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Applied mathematical & physical formulas: a pocket reference guide for students, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, manufacturing engineers, maintenance technicians, toolmakers, and machinists
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ARM - Arm Rehabilitation Measurement: manual for performance and scoring of the Fugl-Meyer test (arm section) Action Research Arm test. Box-and-Block test
ISBN 9783935176422 , 2005 , Thomas Platz, Cosima Pinkowski,m.fl.