Søk: 'Empire and Beyond'
Methods Beyond Interviewing in Qualitative Market Research
ISBN 9780761972723 , 2002 , Gill Ereaut, Mike Imms, Martin Callingham
Pathways After Empire: National Identity and Foreign Economic Policy in the Post-Soviet World
ISBN 9780742516731 , 2001 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
European modernity and beyond: the trajectory of European societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989344 , 1995 , Goran Therborn
Working with Discourse Second Edition: Meaning Beyond the Clause
ISBN 9780826488503 , 2007 , 2. utgave , J. R. Martin, David Rose
Beyond the Rural-urban Divide: Cross-continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
ISBN 9781848551381 , 2009
Empire State.: A Powerful, Propulsive Piece of Thriller Writing.
ISBN 9780752857879 , 2003 , Henry Porter
The queen of freedom: The empire of darkness : trilogy
ISBN 9780743449564 , 2003 , Christian Jacq
The World and the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire
ISBN 9780521890540 , 2002 , Philip D. Curtin
Being Greek Under Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire
ISBN 9780521663175 , 2001
Pathways after empire: national identity and foreign economic policy in the post-Soviet world
ISBN 9780742516724 , 2001 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Sensory Exotica: A World Beyond Human Experience
ISBN 9780262582049 , 2001 , Howard C. Hughes
Beyond the Trauma Vortex: The Media's Role in Healing Fear, Terror, and Violence
ISBN 9781556434464 , 2003
Christianizing the Roman Empire: (A.D. 100-400)
ISBN 9780300036428 , 1977
Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics
ISBN 9780801484568 , 1998 , Margaret E. Keck, Kathryn Sikkink
Beyond the Bible: Moving from Scripture to Theology
ISBN 9780801027758 , 2004
Beyond Toleration: The Religious Origins of American Pluralism
ISBN 9789780195304 , 2006 , Christopher J. Beneke
Biography of an Empire: Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution
ISBN 9780520266353 , 2010
Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire. Hugh Thomas
ISBN 9780141034485 , 2010 , Hugh Thomas
Professional Discretion in Modern Social Services: Beyond Street-Level Bureaucracy
ISBN 9780754674917 , 2010 , Tony Evans, Antony Evans
The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century
ISBN 9780195028324 , 1981 , Daniel R. Headrick
Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement: Vol. II: Southeastern Europe: Weak States and Strong International Support
ISBN 9783810038647 , 2003 , Iris Kempe, Wim van Meurs
Beyond Fences: Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation
ISBN 9782831703404 , 1997
Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development
ISBN 9780807047095 , 1997
Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change In Advanced Political Economies
ISBN 9780199280452 , 2005 , Professor Wolfgang Streeck
Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schools
ISBN 9780791412862 , 1993
Beyond sovereign territory: the space of ecopolitics
ISBN 9780816624683 , 1996
The World and the West: The European Challenge and the Overseas Response in the Age of Empire
ISBN 9780521771351 , 2000 , Philip D. Curtin
Alice Faye: a life beyond the silver screen
ISBN 9781578062102 , 2002
Beyond The Foster Care System: The Future for Teens
ISBN 9780813538280 , 2006
An Economic History of Imperial Madagascar, 1750-1895: The Rise and Fall of an Island Empire
ISBN 9780521839358 , 2005 , Gwyn Campbell