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A Pilgrim in Chinese Culture
ISBN 9781570751523 , 1997 , Judith A. Berling, Paul F. Knitter, Nailene Wiest
A history of Chinese mathematics
ISBN 9783540547495 , 1997 , Jean-Claude Martzloff
Chinese opera: images and stories
ISBN 9780774805926 , 1997 , Peter Lovrick, Siu Wang-Ngai
Chinese Foreign Policy: Pragmatism and Strategic Behavior
ISBN 9780765612854 , 2004 , Suisheng Zhao
Why Humans Have Cultures: Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity
ISBN 9780192892119 , 1992 , Michael Carrithers
Automation Network Selection: A References Manual, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781934394892 , 2009 , 2. utgave , Dick Caro
CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 7th Edition
ISBN 9780470901076 , 2011 , 7. utgave , Todd Lammle, Eric Keller
Business English: Writing in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780073545424 , 2008 , Dona Young
International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace
ISBN 9780071287982 , 2008 , Charles W. L. Hill
Management Accounting for Business
ISBN 9781408017715 , 2009 , Colin Drury
International business: the challenge of global competition
ISBN 9780073105765 , 2005 , Ball
Managing Information and Systems: The Business Perspective
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Business Briefing
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ISBN 9780582539624 , 2003 , Anne Freitag-Lawrence
MCSE Windows 2000 network infrastructure for dummies
ISBN 9780764507113 , 2001 , Glenn E. Weadock
Building Your Network Through Communication (Neteffect Series)
ISBN 9780130917591 , 2003 , Arthur H Bell, PH.D. PhD, Dayle M Smith, Ph.D.
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780131115026 , 2003 , William Stallings
Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement
ISBN 9780470634035 , 2010 , Dave Evans, Susan Bratton
The Business Student's Handbook: Skills for Study and Employment
ISBN 9780273730712 , 2009 , Sheila Cameron
Business Marketing Management: B2b
ISBN 9781133189572 , 2012 , Michael D Hutt
The foundations of Chinese medicine: a comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists
ISBN 9780443074899 , 2005 , Giovanni Maciocia
A History of Chinese Civilization
ISBN 9780521497121 , 1996 , Jacques Gernet, Charles Hartman, J.R. Foster
A History of Chinese Civilization
ISBN 9780521497817 , 1996 , Jacques Gernet, Charles Hartman, J.R. Foster
Intelligent Business : Workbook: Pre-Intermediate Business English
ISBN 9780582846951 , 2006 , Irene Barrall, Nikolas Barrall
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities
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Fun with Chinese characters: the Straits Times collection
ISBN 9789810130060 , 1983 , Tan Huay Peng, Huoping Chen
Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Simplified Character Edition
ISBN 9780887275333 , 2007 , Yuehua Liu, Tao-Chung Yao, Nyan-Ping Bi,m.fl.
The International Film Business: A Market Guide Beyond Hollywood
ISBN 9780415575850 , 2010 , Angus Finney
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ISBN 9787301134504 , 2008 , Zhigang Wang, Yi Chen
Business Management
ISBN 9788174451866 , 2002 , Mal Pratap