Søk: 'Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing'
Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780080886213 , 2008 , Wayne Wolf
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Business and Computing
ISBN 9781907934001 , 2010 , John Dwyer
A Beginner's Guide to Language and Gender
ISBN 9781847690562 , 2008 , Allyson Julé
Engendering Archaeology: Women and Prehistory
ISBN 9780631175018 , 1991 , Joan M. Gero, Margaret Wright Conkey
Model driven architecture: applying MDA to enterprise computing
ISBN 9780471319207 , 2003 , David S. Frankel
Gender, religion and diversity: cross-cultural perspectives
ISBN 9780826488459 , 2005 , Ursula King, Tina Beattie
Women in Islam: the Western experience
ISBN 9780415248952 , 2001 , Anne-Sofie Roald
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780130652454 , 2004 , David E. Penney, C. H. (Charles Henry) Edwards
Talking Difference: On Gender and Language
ISBN 9780803988286 , 1995 , Mary E. Crawford
Why We Need a New Welfare State
ISBN 9780199256433 , 2002 , Gosta Esping-Andersen, Frank Vandenbrucke
Government Works: Why Americans Need the Feds
ISBN 9780801437595 , 2000 , Milton Jacob Esman
Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
ISBN 9780006166061 , 1956 , Agatha Christie
A Little Daily Wisdom: Christian Women Mystics
ISBN 9781557255860 , 2008 , Carmen Acevedo Butcher, Phyllis Tickle
Ariadne's Thread: Writing Women Into Irish History
ISBN 9781903631621 , 2008 , Margaret MacCurtain, Maureen Murphy
Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
ISBN 9780465051366 , 2005 , Donald A. Norman
Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures
ISBN 9780814737316 , 2011
Circuits of Visibility: Gender and Transnational Media Cultures
ISBN 9780814737309 , 2011
Why Humans Cooperate: A Cultural And Evolutionary Explanation
ISBN 9780195314236 , 2007 , Natalie Henrich, Joseph Patrick Henrich
Inside the gender Jihad: women's reform in Islam
ISBN 9781851684632 , 2006 , Amina Wadud
Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?
ISBN 9781847424655 , 2009 , Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice
ISBN 9780631154457 , 1987 , Allison Morris
The Religious Imagination of American Women
ISBN 9780253213389 , 1999 , Mary Farrell Bednarowski
Friends are the Family We Choose for Ourselves
ISBN 9781841612546 , 2006 , Ravette Publishing, Limited
Gender inclusive game design : expanding the market
ISBN 9781584502395 , 2004 , Sheri Graner Ray
Architectures of Optical Interconnection Networks for High Performance Computing
ISBN 9783836462174 , 2008 , Assaf Shacham
Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780123694591 , 2005 , Wayne Wolf
Intl Stdt Ed-the Psychology of Women
ISBN 9780495104957 , 2007
Talking difference: on gender and language
ISBN 9780803988279 , 1995 , Mary Crawford
Why We Get Fat: And What to Do about It
ISBN 9780307272706 , 2011 , Gary Taubes
Why Cooperate?: The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods
ISBN 9780191526381 , 2007 , Scott Barrett (Ph. D.)