Søk: 'In Search of European Excellence: The 10 Key Strategies of Europe's Top Companies'
A Pocket History of Europe
ISBN 9781903499450 , 2008 , Vivian Durham
Jonathan Edwards’s Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: A Casebook
ISBN 9780300140385 , 2010 , Jonathan Edwards, Wilson H. Kimnach,m.fl.
The Constitution of Europe: 'Do the New Clothes Have an Emperor?' and Other Essays on European Integration
ISBN 9780521585675 , 1999 , Joseph Weiler
A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory: Asia in Search of Its Role in the 21st Century
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Key Monuments of Baroque and Rococo
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The Search for Nefertiti: The True Story of a Remarkable Discovery
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Employee relations in foreign-owned subsidiaries: German multinational companies in the UK
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Church Dogmatics Study Edition 12: The Doctrine of God II.2 § 36-39
ISBN 9780567013408 , 2010
The Spirit of '68: Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976
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Thinking with demons: the idea of witchcraft in early modern Europe
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The European Union and the Regulation of Media Markets
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Building an Innovative Economy in Europe: A Review of 12 Studies of Innovation Policy and Practice in Today's Europe
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Insects of Britain and Western Europe
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A School District’s Journey to Excellence: Lessons From Business and Education
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Eyes of Artillery: The Origins of Modern U. S. Army Aviation in World War II
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Politics in the European Union
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The Referendum Experience in Europe
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Matters of Life and Death: Key Writings
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ISBN 9788200376828 , 1998 , Reidar Andersen, Patrick Duncan,m.fl.
The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000
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E-learning in Europe - Learning Europe: How Have New Media Contributed to the Development of Higher Education?
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European Union and the Politics of Culture
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The Rise of the Sixties: American and European Art in the Era of Dissent, 1955-69
ISBN 9780297835448 , 1996 , Thomas E. Crow
Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
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Empowerment of people: grassroots strategies and issues
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Key Concepts in Economic Geography
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Key Concepts in Urban Geography
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Key Concepts in Urban Geography
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Policy-Making In The European Union
ISBN 9780199276127 , 2005 , Mark A. Pollack, Helen (Helen S.) Wallace,m.fl.