Søk: 'Information Age Journalism: Journalism in an International Context'
International Relations: International Edition
ISBN 9780205177271 , 2011 , Joshua S. Goldstein, Jon C. Pevehouse
Debates in International Political Economy
ISBN 9780205746910 , 2009 , Thomas H. Oatley
Small States in International Relations
ISBN 9780295985244 , 2006 , Iver B. Neumann, Christine Ingebritsen,m.fl.
The Tools of Government in the Digital Age: Second Edition
ISBN 9780230001442 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Christopher C. Hood, Helen Z. Margetts
Classification Made Simple: An Introduction to Knowledge Organisation and Information Retrieval
ISBN 9780754675587 , 2009
The New Age Movement: Religion, Culture and Society in the Age of Postmodernity
ISBN 9780631193326 , 1996 , Paul Heelas
Cults in Context: Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements
ISBN 9780765804785 , 1998 , Lorne L. Dawson
Academic Writing in Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English
ISBN 9780415468817 , 2010 , Theresa M. Lillis, Mary Jane Curry
Meaning and Context: An Introduction to the Psychology of Language
ISBN 9780306422966 , 1986
Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations
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An Introduction to the Economics of Information: Incentives and Contracts
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Re-imagine!: Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age
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Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
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Human Rights in International Relations
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Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism
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Howling at the Moon: The Odyssey of a Monstrous Music Mogul in an Age of Excess
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Strategy: Process, Content, Context
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Action in social context: perspectives on early development
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Aging: The Social Context
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Complex Predicates and Information Spreading in LFG
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International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace
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Adult education in the rural context: people, place, and change
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Achieving Best Practice in Public Sector Information Security
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Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare
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The Age of Chance: Gambling in Western Culture
ISBN 9780203978306 , 2002 , Gerda Reith
Meaning and Context: An Introduction to the Psychology of Language
ISBN 9780306421976 , 1986
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
ISBN 9780444817662 , 1995 , Philip A. Allen
Stone Age Economics
ISBN 9780415320108 , 2003 , Marshall David Sahlins
Academic Writing in a Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English
ISBN 9780415564717 , 2010 , Theresa M. Lillis, Stephen Bailey,m.fl.
Project Research in Information Systems: A Student's Guide
ISBN 9781403934710 , 2005