Søk: 'Managing cultural differences'
An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations
ISBN 9780826138156 , 2006 , Donna Hardina, Jane Middleton, Salvadore Montana,m.fl.
The business marketing course: managing in complex networks
ISBN 9780470034507 , 2006 , Hakan Hakansson, Lars-Erik Gadde, Ivan Snehota,m.fl.
Management information systems : managing the digital firm
ISBN 9780131206816 , 2004 , Kenneth C. Laudon
Finding the Innovation Gap: Disruptive Idea, a Better Way of Managing Prototypes: Disruptive Idea, a Better Way of Managing Prototypes
ISBN 9781450203203 , 2009 , Baisham Chatterjee
Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development
ISBN 9780205411863 , 2005 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry Norman Gardiner,m.fl.
Gender, religion and diversity: cross-cultural perspectives
ISBN 9780826488459 , 2005 , Ursula King, Tina Beattie
Managing Projects: Building and Leading the Team
ISBN 9780273651284 , 2001 , David Boddy
Managing Records: A Handbook of Principles and Practice
ISBN 9781856043700 , 2002
Managing Performing Living: Effective Management for a New Era
ISBN 9783593382784 , 2009
Épocas y avances: lengua en su contexto cultural
ISBN 9780300108361 , 2007
The post carbon reader: managing the 21st century's sustainability crises
ISBN 9780970950062 , 2010 , Richard. Heinberg, Daniel. Lerch
The Strategic Designer: Tools & Techniques for Managing the Design Process
ISBN 9781600617997 , 2011 , David Holston
Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
ISBN 9780761954323 , 1997 , Stuart Hall
Evidence-Based Dentistry: Managing Information for Better Practice
ISBN 9781850971269 , 2008 , Derek Richards, Jan Clarkson, Debora Matthews,m.fl.
Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems
ISBN 9780521690058 , 2008 , Linda Steg, Abraham P. Buunk, Talib Rothengatter
Cross-Cultural Management: A Knowledge Management Perspective
ISBN 9780273646808 , 2001 , Nigel Holden
Japan: A Cultural, Social, and Political History
ISBN 9780618133888 , 2005 , Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Anne Walthall,m.fl.
Karma and Rebirth: A Cross Cultural Study
ISBN 9788120826090 , 2005 , Gananath Obeyesekere
The Invention of Art: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780226753430 , 2003 , Larry Shiner
Managing Supply Chains: A Logistics Approach with Student CD
ISBN 9780324662672 , 2008 , John Joseph Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, Brian Gibson,m.fl.
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
ISBN 9780470093269 , 2005 , Joe Tidd, John Bessant
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies
ISBN 9780471738961 , 2005 , Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels,m.fl.
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies
ISBN 9780471740537 , 2005 , Thomas E. Copeland, Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart,m.fl.
Counterworks: Managing the Diversity of Knowledge
ISBN 9780415107938 , 1995 , Richard Fardon
Cultural Identities and the Aesthetics of Britishness
ISBN 9780719067693 , 2004 , Dana Arnold
Comparative Cultural Studies and Michael Ondaatje's Writing
ISBN 9781557533784 , 2004
Europe After Rome: A New Cultural History 500-1000
ISBN 9780192892638 , 2007 , Julia Smith
Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding
ISBN 9780761913207 , 1999 , W. Timothy Coombs
Female Infanticide in India: A Feminist Cultural History
ISBN 9780791463284 , 2005
How to Do Media and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780761973294 , 2003 , Jane C. Stokes