Søk: 'Perceiving, acting, and knowing: toward an ecological psychology'
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780205450695 , 2006 , Robert A. Baron, Donn Erwin Byrne,m.fl.
Aging and the elderly: psychology, sociology and health
ISBN 9781600211904 , 2007 , L.O. Randall
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780071280426 , 2008 , David G. Myers
International Handbook of Work and Health Psychology
ISBN 9780470998069 , 2009 , Marc J. Schabracq
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
ISBN 9780321056078 , 1999 , James N. Butcher, Robert C. Carson, Susan Mineka
Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780471939139 , 1999
Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil
ISBN 9780412759000 , 1997 , Hans Løkke, Nico M. Van Straalen
Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice
ISBN 9781412903370 , 2005 , David F. Marks, Carla Willig, Cailine Woodall,m.fl.
Cognitive Psychology
ISBN 9780155085350 , 2002
Human Body Size and the Laws of Scaling: Physiological, Performance, Growth, Logevity and Ecological Ramifications
ISBN 9781600214080 , 2007 , Thomas T. Samaras, Andrzej Bartke,m.fl.
The Environmentalism of the Poor: A Study of Ecological Conflicts and Valuation
ISBN 9781843764861 , 2003 , Juan Martinez-Alier
Myth, Meaning, And Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of the Arts
ISBN 9781594512155 , 2006 , Lisa McCormick, Professor Ron Eyerman
Educational Psychology
ISBN 9780137144549 , 2008 , Anita Woolfolk Hoy, Anita E Woolfolk
Cognitive Psychology
ISBN 9780761921301 , 2002
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780071286701 , 2008 , D. G. Myers
Complete Psychology
ISBN 9780340967553 , 2008 , Graham Davey, Dr Andy Field, Nick Hammond
Social Psychology: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292021164
Social Psychology with MyPsychLab
ISBN 9780273741145 , 2010 , Graham M. Vaughan, Dr Michael A Hogg
The Gender and Psychology Reader
ISBN 9780814715475 , 1998 , Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Julie K. Norem
Of Bicycles, Bakelites and Bulbs: Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change
ISBN 9780262522274 , 1997 , Wiebe E. Bijker
Discovering biological psychology
ISBN 9780618086160 , 2006 , Laura A. Freberg
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology
ISBN 9781428801332 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Foundations of Sports and Exercise Psychology
ISBN 9788178792729 , 2006 , Dr. Suresh K. Kutty
The environmentalism of the poor: a study of ecological conflicts and valuation
ISBN 9781840649093 , 2002 , Juan Mart?inez-Alier
Theories of Developmental Psychology
ISBN 9781429216340 , 2010
Acting on principles: a thomistic perspective in making moral decisions
ISBN 9780819136909 , 1983 , Janko Žagar
ISBN 9780393966084 , 1995 , Henry Gleitman, 4th
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415822022 , 2013
A Dictionary of Psychology
ISBN 9780199534067 , 2009 , 3. utgave , Andrew M. Colman
Cognitive Psychology
ISBN 9781408009000 , 2007