Søk: 'Personality Assessment'
Psychological and Biological Assessment at the Turn of the Century: Section V of American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry
ISBN 9780880484497 , 1997 , John F. Clarkin
The Pricing Strategy Audit: An In-Company Assessment to Help Create the Best Possible Pricing Strategy for Your Organization
ISBN 9780273649380 , 1999 , Monroe Kent
The astrology of personality: a re-formulation of astrological concepts and ideals, in terms of contemporary psychology and philosophy
ISBN 9780943358253 , 1987 , Dane Rudhyar
Unity and Modularity in the Mind and Self: Studies on the Relationships Between Self-awareness, Personality, and Intellectual Development from Childhood to Adolescence
ISBN 9780415233996 , 2000 , Andreas Demetriou, Smaragda Kazi
Culture and Social Behavior: [papers from the 10th Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology, Held at the University of Western Ontario, June 21-23, 2002]
ISBN 9780805847871 , 2004 , Richard M. Sorrentino, Dov Cohen, James M. Olson,m.fl.
Biological Test Methods for Assessing Contaminated Land: Stage 2 - a Demonstration of the Use of a Framework for the Ecological Risk Assessment of Contamination
ISBN 9781844322961 , 2004 , J. M. Weeks
Fortsatt en vei å gå: norske elevers kompetanse i matematikk, naturfag og lesing i PISA 2012
ISBN 9788215023236 , 2013 , Marit Kjærnsli, Astrid Roe, Rolf V. Olsen,m.fl.
Anorexia Nervosa - Clinician's Pack: 1 Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care (2) the Wish to Change (3) Patient's Log Book
ISBN 9780863774126 , 1996 , Lisa McClelland, A. H. Crisp, Neil Joughin,m.fl.
A Survey and Assessment of the Birds of the Cam Washes and Berry Fen SSSIs, Cambridgeshire, Focussing on Breeding and Wintering Waterbirds: Report of Work Carried Out by the British Trust for Ornithology Under Contract to English Nature
ISBN 9781904870814 , 2006 , M.P. Collier, N. H. K. Burton, S.M. Baylis