Søk: 'Regulation of network utilities: the European experience'
European States and the Euro
ISBN 9780199250257 , 2002 , Kenneth H.F. Dyson
Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000
ISBN 9781857287172 , 1999 , Michael Burgess
A chronological history of the European Union 1946-1998
ISBN 9781840641257 , 1999 , W.F.V. Vanthoor
European Review of Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471608134 , 1999 , Miles Hewstone
Managing the customer experience: turning customers into advocates
ISBN 9780273661955 , 2002
Macroeconomics: a European Perspective with MyEconLab
ISBN 9780273771821 , 2013 , Olivier Blanchard, Alessia Amighini
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards
ISBN 9780132380331 , 2007 , William Stallings
The Dynamics of Global Dominance: European Overseas Empires, 1415-1980
ISBN 9780300093148 , 2002 , David B. Abernethy
The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Power of Integration and Association
ISBN 9780521709491 , 2008 , Thomas Diez, Stephan Stetter, Mathias Albert
Broadcasting pluralism and diversity: a comparative study of policy and regulation
ISBN 9781841132143 , 2006 , Lesley Hitchens
Politics in the European Union
ISBN 9780198782254 , 2001 , Stephen George, Ian Bache
Democracy and regulation: how the public can govern essential services
ISBN 9780745319438 , 2002 , Greg Palast, Jerrold Oppenheim, Theo MacGregor
Chronic Inflation in an Industrializing Economy: The Brazilian Experience
ISBN 9780521134125 , 2010
European Integration and the Nationalities Question
ISBN 9780415401005 , 2006 , Michael Keating, John McGarry
European Integration and the Nationalities Question
ISBN 9780203088401 , 2006 , Michael Keating, John McGarry
Actor-Network Theory and Organizing
ISBN 9788763001441 , 2005 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges, Tor Hernes
Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
ISBN 9781558608870 , 2003 , James D. McCabe
Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience
ISBN 9780534538675 , 2002 , William J. Ray, Richard Ravizza
The D-Day Experience: Special 60th Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9781844428052 , 2004 , Richard Holmes, Imperial War Museum
Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood
ISBN 9780521383646 , 1991
Dividing Lines Between the European Union and Its Member States: The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon
ISBN 9789067042840 , 2008 , Stephen C. Sieberson
Corporate information strategy and management: the challenges of managing in a network economy
ISBN 9780072456653 , 2002 , Lynda M. Applegate, Robert D. Austin,m.fl.
The UX Book: Process and Guidelines for Ensuring a Quality User Experience
ISBN 9780123852410 , 2012 , Rex Hartson, Pardha S. Pyla
Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration
ISBN 9781847184719 , 2008 , Elena Marushiakova
Cinema of the Other Europe: The Industry and Artistry of East Central European Film
ISBN 9781903364611 , 2003
A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945 - 1963
ISBN 9780691002736 , 1999 , Marc Trachtenberg
Security and Defence Policy in the European Union
ISBN 9780230362352 , 2014
Discovering the limits of European integration: applying grounded theory
ISBN 9781560728436 , 2000
Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience
ISBN 9781845453152 , 2006 , Bruce Kapferer, Angela Hobart
CliffsAP European History
ISBN 9780470872741 , 2010