Søk: 'Rethinking Democracy and the European Union'
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Mentor, MEssage, And Miracles
ISBN 9780300140330 , 2007 , John P. Meier
Democracy in the New Europe
ISBN 9781403913029 , 2006 , Christopher Lord, Erika Harris
Democracy in the New Europe
ISBN 9781403913036 , 2006 , Christopher Lord, Erika Harris
The European Cinema Reader
ISBN 9780415240925 , 2002 , Catherine Fowler
ISBN 9780816626014 , 1994 , Anthony Arblaster
Digital destiny: new media and the future of democracy
ISBN 9781565847958 , 2007 , Jeff Chester
Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress
ISBN 9780761956068 , 1998 , John Barry
Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From Pacifism to Realism?
ISBN 9780804772174 , 2011 , Paul Midford
The Second Arab Awakening: Revolution, Democracy, and the Islamist Challenge from Tunis to Damascus
ISBN 9780393240122 , 2013 , Adeed Dawisha
The European Community
ISBN 9780631191728 , 1994 , Allan Williams
Choreographing the Global in European Cinema and Theater
ISBN 9780230608221 , 2008 , Katrin Sieg
Religion and Civil Society: Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World
ISBN 9780754613398 , 2003 , David Herbert
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9780387493206 , 2007 , Milan Zafirovski
European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989351 , 1995 , Göran Therborn
European modernity and beyond: the trajectory of European societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989344 , 1995 , Goran Therborn
Democracy and Dictatorship: Their Psychology and Patterns
ISBN 9780415605274 , 2010
Corporate Finance European Edition
ISBN 9780077139148 , 2013 , David Hillier
On Democracy
ISBN 9780300084559 , 2000 , Robert A. Dahl
Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey
ISBN 9780521888783 , 2009 , M. Hakan Yavuz
Capitalism and Social Democracy
ISBN 9780521336567 , 1986 , Adam Przeworski
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780821415702 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
ISBN 9780521771771 , 2007 , Jonathan Spencer
The European Cinema Reader
ISBN 9780415240918 , 2002 , Catherine Fowler
Earth Democracy: Justice Sustainability And Peace
ISBN 9788181581488 , 2011 , Vandana Shiva
The Risk Management of Everything: Rethinking the Politics of Uncertainty
ISBN 9781841801278 , 2004 , Michael Power
Ancient Democracy and Modern Ideology
ISBN 9780715632208 , 2003 , P. J. Rhodes
Gender, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia
ISBN 9780415415835 , 2008 , Kathryn May Robinson
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: Third Edition
ISBN 9780061561610 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Joseph A. Schumpeter
Economics of Monetary Union
ISBN 9780199684441 , 2014 , Paul De Grauwe
Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights
ISBN 9780300081671 , 2000 , Ronald C. Slye, Harold Hong-Ju Koh