Søk: 'The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization'
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9780538879026 , 1997 , Richard L. Daft
Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader
ISBN 9780787984267 , 2006 , Joan V. Gallos
Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2004 Annual
ISBN 9780976681489 , 2006 , A Richardson Kurt, A Goldstein Jeffrey,m.fl.
The Complete Guide to Knowledge Management: A Strategic Plan to Leverage Your Company's Intellectual Capital
ISBN 9780470881293 , 2011 , Edna Pasher, Tuvya Ronen
An Introduction to Information Retrieval
ISBN 9780521865715 , 2008 , Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan,m.fl.
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval
ISBN 9781856046947 , 2010 , G.G. Chowdhury
Management information systems : managing the digital firm
ISBN 9780131206816 , 2004 , Kenneth C. Laudon
Blown to bits: how the new economics of information transforms strategy
ISBN 9780875848778 , 1999 , Thomas S. Wurster
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Managing Intellectual Capital: Organizational, Strategic, and Policy Dimensions
ISBN 9780198295426 , 2002 , David J. Teece
Competing in the Third Wave: the ten key management issues of the information age
ISBN 9780875848075 , 1997 , Hope Tony
The Expressive Organization: Linking Identity, Reputation, and the Corporate Brand
ISBN 9780198297796 , 2000 , Majken Schultz, Mary Jo Hatch,m.fl.
Experiential Approach to Organization Development: International Version
ISBN 9780132546140 , 2010 , Donald R. Brown
Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780080922812 , 2008 , 4. utgave , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
African labor relations and workers' rights: assessing the role of the International Labor Organization
ISBN 9780313290664 , 1994 , Kwamina Panford
Daniel Bell and the Decline of Intellectual Radicalism: Social Theory and Political Reconciliation in the 1940s
ISBN 9780299105501 , 1986 , Howard Brick
Organization Theory and the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth
ISBN 9780415433808 , 2007 , Tom Christensen, Paul G. Roness, Per Lagrid,m.fl.
Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization
ISBN 9781848602168 , 2009 , David Coghlan, Teresa Brannick
Online Information Search : A Conceptual Model of the Pre-purchase Stage of E-shopping
ISBN 9781861812186 , 2005 , Phillip Samouel, Susan Rose
Modern information retrieval
ISBN 9780201398298 , 1999 , Berthier de Araújo Neto Ribeiro
Reference and Information Services: An Introduction
ISBN 9781591583745 , 2011 , Richard E. Bopp, Linda C. Smith
Controlling Health Professionals: The Future of Work and Organization in the National Health Service
ISBN 9780335096435 , 1994 , Stephen Harrison, Christopher Pollitt
Building the High-Trust Organization: Strategies for Supporting Five Key Dimensions of Trust [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780470394724 , 2010 , Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Hackman,m.fl.
Social Experiments with Information Technology and the Challenges of Innovation
ISBN 9789027724885 , 1987 , Lars Qvortrup, Claire Ancelin, Jim Frawley,m.fl.
Future of Retail Transport: Access, Information and Flexibility
ISBN 9781897958346 , 2006 , Derek Halden, Kate Logan, Marcus Kilby,m.fl.
Computer Architecture And Organization
ISBN 9780203168820 , 1990 , Ian East
An Experiential Approach to Organization Development
ISBN 9780131248304 , 2006 , Donald R. Brown, Donald F. Harvey
Using Information Technology 9e Introductory Edition
ISBN 9780077331085 , 2010 , 9. utgave
The architecture of computer hardware and systems software: an information technology approach
ISBN 9780471073253 , 2003 , Irv Englander
Information & Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theory & Narratives of Practice
ISBN 9780415965477 , 2008 , Larry Davis Browning, Alf Steinar Saetre,m.fl.