Søk: 'The New Corporate Finance'
The Market for Virtue: The Potential And Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility
ISBN 9780815790778 , 2006 , Brookings Institution, David Vogel
Corporate Governance and Accountability, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9780470695098 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Jill Solomon
Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780750623810 , 1995 , Peter J. Harris
Addressing the New International Terrorism
ISBN 9780930503819 , 2003 , Joseph S. Nye, Yukio Satoh, Paul Wilkinson
Heel!: The New World Order
ISBN 9781903908150 , 2003
Kamasutra: The Acclaimed New Translation
ISBN 9780762416080 , 2003 , Wendy Doniger, Sudhir Kakar
The Language of New Media
ISBN 9780262133746 , 2001 , Lev Manovich
Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations: Humanizing Business
ISBN 9780415715270 , 2013 , Surya Deva
Mathematical Finance - Bachelier Congress 2000: Selected Papers from the First World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, Paris, June 29-July 1, 2000
ISBN 9783642087295 , 2010
The Official Guide to the New TOEFL IBT
ISBN 9780071462976 , 2006
Decline of the Corporate Community: network dynamics of the Dutch business elite
ISBN 9789053569733 , 2007 , Eelke M. Heemskerk
Thinker, faker, spinner, spy: corporate PR and the assault on democracy
ISBN 9780745324449 , 2007 , David Miller, William Dinan
Corporate Financial Accounting and Reporting
ISBN 9780273676201 , 2003 , Tim Sutton
Poland Within the European Union: New Awkward Partner Or New Heart of Europe?
ISBN 9780415380737 , 2011 , Aleks Szczerbiak
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
ISBN 9780273745969 , 2011 , Eddie McLaney, Peter Atrill
Greed and Corporate Failure: The Lessons from Recent Disasters
ISBN 9781403986368 , 2006 , Stewart Hamilton, Alicia Micklethwait
America's New Frontier: The Mountain West
ISBN 9781406751505 , 2007
The New Meaning of Educational Change
ISBN 9780415439572 , 2007 , Michael Fullan
The New Introduction to Geographical Economics
ISBN 9780521698030 , 2009 , Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen,m.fl.
The New Strategic Brand Management: Advanced Insights and Strategic Thinking
ISBN 9780749465155 , 2012 , Jean-Noël Kapferer
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists
ISBN 9780273716945 , 2008 , Peter Atrill, E. J. McLaney
Fundamentals of Multinational Finance: International Edition
ISBN 9780321552136 , 2008 , Michael H. Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill,m.fl.
The Expressive Organization: Linking Identity, Reputation, and the Corporate Brand
ISBN 9780198297796 , 2000 , Majken Schultz, Mary Jo Hatch,m.fl.
The Selected Canterbury Tales: A New Verse Translation
ISBN 9780393341782 , 2012 , Chaucer Geoffrey
Civil Society and Global Finance
ISBN 9780415279352 , 2002
Civil Society and Global Finance
ISBN 9780415279369 , 2002
Corporate Communications: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761944362 , 2004 , Joep Cornelissen
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
ISBN 9780743403832 , 2002 , Jackie Collins
Theology of the New Testament
ISBN 9780664223366 , 2000 , Georg Strecker
Literacy in the New Media Age
ISBN 9780415253567 , 2003 , Gunther R. Kress