Søk: 'The Ruby Programming Language'
Reading and Language Learning
ISBN 9781405175746 , 2007 , Keiko Koda
Pathways of the brain: the neurocognitive basis of language
ISBN 9789027236753 , 1999 , Sydney M. Lamb
Three-dimensional Graphics for Game Programming
ISBN 9781439827376 , 2011 , Jung Hyun Han
Assembly Language for the IBM PC Family
ISBN 9781576760581 , 2000 , William B. Jones
Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
ISBN 9780123850829 , 2011
Programming Perl, 3rd edition
ISBN 9780596000271 , 2000 , 3. utgave , Jon Orwant, Tom Christiansen, Larry Wall
Classroom discourse: the language of teaching and learning
ISBN 9780325003788 , 2001 , Courtney B. Cazden
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
ISBN 9780415956352 , 2008
The Linguistics of British Sign Language: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521637183 , 1999 , Rachel Sutton-Spence, Bencie Woll
Dual Language Education
ISBN 9781853595318 , 2001
Dual Language Education
ISBN 9781853595325 , 2001
Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions
ISBN 9781937785468 , 2014 , Venkat Subramaniam
Object-oriented Programming in C++
ISBN 9780672323089 , 2001 , Robert Lafore
Poiesis: The Language of Psychology and the Speech of the Soul
ISBN 9781853024887 , 1997 , Stephen K. Levine
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Programming for the Absolute Beginner
ISBN 9781592008186 , 2005 , Aneesha Bakharia
The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance
ISBN 9780691015897 , 1996 , Bruce Fink
Vocabulary: Language Workbooks
ISBN 9780415163989 , 1998 , Laurie Bauer
The Waite Group's Object-oriented Programming in C++
ISBN 9781878739735 , 1995 , Robert W. Lafore
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
ISBN 9781590282410 , 2010 , John Zelle
CGI Programming with Perl
ISBN 9781565924192 , 1999 , Scott Guelich, Gunther Birznieks
A Grammar of the Balinese Language
ISBN 9780950532240 , 1981 , Charles Clyde Barber, University of Aberdeen
The Symbolic Species - the Co-Evolution of Language & the Brain (Paper)
ISBN 9780393317541 , 1998 , TW Deacon
Global pop, local language
ISBN 9781578065363 , 2003 , Harris M. Berger, Michael Thomas Carroll
Authority In Language: Investigating Standard English
ISBN 9780415696838 , 2012 , James Milroy, Lesley Milroy
An Easy and Practical Introduction to the Latin Language
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Granta 113: The Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists
ISBN 9781905881239 , 2010 , Freeman John
C Programming: A Modern Approach
ISBN 9780393979503 , 2008 , K. N. King