Søk: 'The political communication: reader'
A Life in Letters: The Personal, the Professional, and the Political
ISBN 9780595409037 , 2006 , Sol Saporta
Critical Management Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780199286089 , 2005 , Hugh Willmott
Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages
ISBN 9780816635368 , 1999 , Manuel Puig
What Is Religious Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9781845530655 , 2013 , Steven J. Sutcliffe
Gender, Politics & Communication
ISBN 9781572732421 , 2000 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Gower Handbook of Internal Communication
ISBN 9780566086892 , 2009 , Marc Wright
Communication Theory and Research
ISBN 9781412918336 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Political Writings
ISBN 9780872201613 , 1994 , David Hume, Stuart D. Warner,m.fl.
Great Political Theories, Volume 1: A Comprehensive Selection of the Crucial Ideas in Political Philosophy from the Greeks to the Enlightenment
ISBN 9780061351365 , 2008 , Michael Curtis
The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689622 , 2004 , Marc Williams, Robert O\'Brien
Debates on European Integration: A Reader
ISBN 9781403941046 , 2006 , Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni
Communication and Leadership in the 21st Century: The Difficult Path from Classical Public Relations to Genuine Modern Communication Management
ISBN 9783892049425 , 2008 , Holger Sievert, Daniela Bell
Human Communication Disorders: An Introduction
ISBN 9780137061334 , 2010 , George H. Shames, Noma B. Anderson
Communication: Theories & Appl
ISBN 9780395888551 , 1999
Information and communication technologies in the welfare services
ISBN 9781843100492 , 2003 , Elizabeth Harlow, Stephen A. Webb
The Political Economy of Participatory Economics
ISBN 9780691003849 , 1991 , Robin Hahnel, Michael Albert
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781412903714 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order
ISBN 9780691086774 , 2001 , Robert Gilpin, Jean M. Gilpin
Aphasia And Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders
ISBN 9780763771003 , 2012 , Ilias Papathanasiou, Constantin Potagas
Intercultural Communication Theory
ISBN 9780803972438 , 1995 , Richard L. Wiseman
Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The Limits of Political Ambition?
ISBN 9781847424655 , 2009 , Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader
ISBN 9780787984267 , 2006 , Joan V. Gallos
Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality
ISBN 9780300171341 , 2011 , Torben Iversen, Frances McCall Rosenbluth
American Political Thought: The Philosophic Dimension of American Statesmanship
ISBN 9781412811392 , 2011 , Morton J. Frisch, Richard G. Stevens
Political Philosophy: An Historical Introduction
ISBN 9780199860517 , 2012 , Michael White
An Intermediate Chinese Reader
ISBN 9781877133336 , 1997 , Qiao Zhang
Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes
ISBN 9780495565512 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
WIE ASE Communication Systems
ISBN 9780471794707 , 2007 , Simon Haykin
Computer and Communication Networks
ISBN 9780131747999 , 2007 , Nader F. Mir
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761965473 , 2000 , Denis McQuail