Søk: 'The social sciences since the Second World War'
The Geography of the World Economy
ISBN 9780340807125 , 2003 , John A. Agnew, Paul L. Knox, Linda Mary McCarthy
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
The Wounded Storyteller: Body, Illness, and Ethics, Second Edition
ISBN 9780226004976 , 2013 , 2. utgave , Arthur W. Frank
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071107136 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton
Eternal Empire: The Ottomans At War
ISBN 9781846034015 , 2008 , Richard Bodley Scott, Peter Dennis
Just Another Major Crisis?:The United States and Europe since 2000: The United States and Europe since 2000
ISBN 9780199552030 , 2008 , Geir Lundestad
The Cold War: A New History
ISBN 9781594200625 , 2005 , John Lewis Gaddis
Sequential Analysis and Observational Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
ISBN 9780521171816 , 2011 , Roger Bakeman, Vicenç Quera
Nobel Prizes and Life Sciences: A Unique Arbiter of the Advance of Life Sciences
ISBN 9789814299374 , 2010 , Erling Norrby
The Myth of Decline: The Rise of Britain Since 1945
ISBN 9781844131020 , 2004 , George Bernstein
A Woman at War: The Other Side of People's War
ISBN 9781606102718 , 2008 , Thad Gaebelein
Social Research: The Basics
ISBN 9780761973676 , 2004 , Matthew David, Carole D. Sutton
The far side of the world
ISBN 9780006499251 , 2003 , Patrick O'Brian
The far side of the world
ISBN 9780007157877 , 2003 , Patrick O'Brian
Not the End of the World
ISBN 9780552771054 , 2003 , Kate Atkinson
Protecting Participants and Facilitating Social and Behavioral Sciences Research
ISBN 9780309088527 , 2003 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
The Economics of Social Problems
ISBN 9780230553002 , 2008 , Sarah Smith, Carol Propper
Accounting for the Environment: Second Edition
ISBN 9780761971375 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Robert H. Gray, Jan Bebbington, Rob Gray
The World of Consumption
ISBN 9780415279451 , 2002 , Ben Fine
The Dictionary of Modern War
ISBN 9780517188286 , 1998 , Edward N. Luttwak, Stuart L. Koehl
The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780415929622 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
The Social Animal
ISBN 9780716719557 , 1988 , Elliot Aronson
The Timechart History of the World
ISBN 9781861189066 , 2004 , Third Millennium Press, Limited,m.fl.
Red Mist: Roy Keane and the World Cup Civil War : a Fan's Story
ISBN 9780747570141 , 2004 , Conor O'Callaghan, Roy Keane
Palimpsests: Literature in the Second Degree
ISBN 9780803270299 , 1997 , Gerard Genette, Claude Doubinsky, Channa Newmann
Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge
ISBN 9780674258945 , 1999 , Karin D. Knorr-Cetina
D'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.
ISBN 9781142172893 , 2010 , Irving Bacheller
D'Ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of Colonel Ramon Bell, U.S.A.
ISBN 9781142747220 , 2010 , Irving Bacheller
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071109109 , 2007 , Lloyd S. Kramer, Joel G. Colton,m.fl.
Totalitarianism: The Inner History of the Cold War
ISBN 9780195050189 , 1997