Søk: 'Theory of Nonlinear Lattices'
An economic theory of democracy
ISBN 9780060417505 , 1957 , Anthony Downs
Cinemas of the mind: a critical history of film theory
ISBN 9781840463545 , 2002 , Nicolas Tredell
Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids
ISBN 9780198506454 , 2001 , John Singleton
An Introduction to the Theory of Groups
ISBN 9780387942858 , 1999 , Joseph J. Rotman
Digital nonlinear editing: new approaches to editing film and video
ISBN 9780240801759 , 1993 , Thomas A. Ohanian
The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model
ISBN 9780691091846 , 2001 , Jean-Jacques Laffont, David Martimort
Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory
ISBN 9781412906449 , 2008 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm L. Strauss
Health promotion : theory and practice
ISBN 9788293158110 , 2012
A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application
ISBN 9780781728003 , 2002 , John Butler, Gary Kielhofner, Wayne Hubbel
Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
ISBN 9780470637647 , 2011 , Marvin Rausand
Cryptography: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9781584885085 , 2005 , Douglas R. Stinson
Complex Function Theory
ISBN 9780821844281 , 2007 , Donald Sarason
Elementary Number Theory
ISBN 9780071243254 , 2005 , David M. Burton
Common Law Theory
ISBN 9780521846424 , 2007 , Gerald J. Postema, Jules L. Coleman, Antony Duff,m.fl.
Financial Accounting Theory
ISBN 9780132072861 , 2009 , William Robert Scott
Beginning theory: an introduction to literary and cultural theory
ISBN 9780719079276 , 2008 , Peter Barry
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944492 , 2006 , Derek Layder
Classical Sociological Theory, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781405148542 , 2011 , 2. utgave
Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences
ISBN 9781412981453 , 2011 , J. Robert Lilly, Francis T. Cullen,m.fl.
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781446274958 , 2014 , Joep Cornelissen
Algorithmic Information Theory: Mathematics of Digital Information Processing
ISBN 9783540332183 , 2006
Microeconomic Theory
ISBN 9780195102680 , 1995 , Jerry R. Green, Andreu Mas-Colell,m.fl.
Readings in the Theory of Economic Development
ISBN 9780631220053 , 2000 , Debraj Ray, Dilip Mookherjee
Ruling Passions: A Theory of Practical Reasoning
ISBN 9780199241392 , 2000 , Simon Blackburn
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering
ISBN 9780738204536 , 2000 , Steven H. Strogatz
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292021584 , 2013 , Kuldeep Shastri, Thomas E. Copeland
Systems Engineering : Theory and Practice
ISBN 9788484685395 , 2014 , Alberto Sols Rodríguez-Candela
An Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis: A Computational Approach
ISBN 9780817643089 , 2003 , Prem K. Kythe, Dongming Wei
Understanding Social Theory
ISBN 9780761944508 , 2005 , Derek Layder
A Connotational Theory of Program Structure
ISBN 9783540182535 , 1987 , James S. Royer