Søk: 'Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts'
Analysing Media Texts (with DVD)
ISBN 9780335218868 , 2006 , Jason Toynbee, Marie Gillespie
Translation studies [electronic resource]
ISBN 9780415280143 , 2002 , Susan Bassnett-McGuire
How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, and Multimedia : Language, History and Theory
ISBN 9780195038699 , 2000 , Monaco, James Monaco
Media, Modernity And Technology: The Geography of the New
ISBN 9780415333429 , 2006 , David Morley
Media Economics: Concepts and Issues
ISBN 9780803935020 , 1989 , Robert G. Picard
Abnormal Psychology: Media and Research Update
ISBN 9780071283243 , 2008 , Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Abnormal Psychology. Media and Research Update
ISBN 9780071284318 , 2008 , Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415189606 , 2002 , David Gauntlett
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780761970705 , 2005 , David Holmes
Communication theory: media, technology and society
ISBN 9780761970699 , 2005 , David Holmes
Media talk: conversation analysis and the study of broadcasting
ISBN 9780335209958 , 2006 , Ian Hutchby
Football in the New Media Age
ISBN 9780415317917 , 2004 , Raymond Boyle, Richard Haynes
The News and Public Opinion: Media Effects on Civic Life
ISBN 9780745645193 , 2011 , Maxwell McCombs, Spiro Kiousis, Wayne Wanta
The Companion to Development Studies, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780340889145 , 2008 , 2. utgave , Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter
Introducing translation studies: theories and applications
ISBN 9780415229265 , 2001 , Jeremy Munday
Advances in Discourse Studies
ISBN 9780415398107 , 2007 , John Flowerdew, Rodney Jones, Vijay Bhatia
A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative ...
ISBN 9780415609661 , 2011 , Klaus Bruhn Jensen
Handbook of Sports Studies
ISBN 9780761949497 , 2000 , Jay J. Coakley, Eric Dunning
Audience-citizens: the media, public knowledge and interpretive practice
ISBN 9788178299358 , 2010 , Ramaswami Harindranath
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466841 , 2006 , Narascha Gentz, Stefan Kramer
Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations
ISBN 9780791466834 , 2006 , Stefan Kramer, Natascha Gentz
Frontiers of Ottoman Studies
ISBN 9781850436645 , 2004 , Rhoads Murphey, Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki
Frontiers of Ottoman Studies
ISBN 9781850436317 , 2004 , Rhoads Murphey, Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
ISBN 9781909485006 , 2013 , Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780415229272 , 2001 , Jeremy Munday
Media Firms: Structures, Operations, and Performance
ISBN 9780805841657 , 2002 , Robert G. Picard
Critical Security Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415484442 , 2010 , Columba Peoples, Nick Vaughan-Williams
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies & Case Studies
ISBN 9780071270977 , 2007 , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
Media Education: Literacy, Learning, and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780745628301 , 2003 , David Buckingham
Media talk: conversation analysis and the study of broadcasting
ISBN 9780335209965 , 2006 , Ian Hutchby