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A history of modern psychology
ISBN 9780155374676 , 1992 , Sydney Ellen Schultz, Duane P. Schultz
Ancestor of the West: Writing, Reasoning, and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece
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Evolving Health: The Origins of Illness and How the Modern World Is Making Us Sick
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Courbet and the Modern Landscape
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Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives
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Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics
ISBN 9783527316724 , 2007 , J. W. Niemantsverdriet, I. Chorkendorff
Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade, and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
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Modern Operating Systems
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How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale
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An A-Z of Modern America
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Holy Warriors: A Modern History of the Crusades
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A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory
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Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach
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Modern Architecture: A Critical History
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A History of the Modern Middle East
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How to Run a Theater: A Witty, Practical, and Fun Guide to Arts Management
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The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Early Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans
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Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
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The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
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Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789
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Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems: A Component-Based Perspective
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Modern Nutrition in Health and Diseases
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Meeting God in Friend and Stranger: Fostering Respect and Mutual Understanding Between the Religions: A Teaching Document of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
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Modern architecture.
ISBN 9780192842268 , 2002 , Alan Colquhoun
A history of modern psychology
ISBN 9780155374652 , 1987 , Sydney Ellen Schultz, Duane P. Schultz
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
ISBN 9781133953999 , 2013 , John Jewett
How to Do Critical Discourse Analysis: A Multimodal Introduction
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Punishment and Modern Society
ISBN 9780198762669 , 1991 , David Garland
Computational Methods for Mass Spectrometry Proteomics
ISBN 9780470724309 , 2007 , Ingvar Eidhammer, Kristian Flikka,m.fl.
Computational Methods for Mass Spectrometry Proteomics
ISBN 9780470512975 , 2007 , Ingvar Eidhammer, Kristian Flikka,m.fl.