Søk: '2500 solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics'
Math Word Problems Demystified 2/E
ISBN 9780071763868 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Allan G. Bluman
Bureaucratic Culture and Escalating World Problems: Advancing the Sociological Imagination
ISBN 9781594516542 , 2011 , Bernard Phillips, J. David Knottnerus
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292024080 , 2013
Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering: Volume 1: Advanced Aerospace Systems
ISBN 9780306484636 , 2004 , Angelo Miele, Aldo Frediani
Study Guide for Social Problems
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The Puzzle King: Sam Loyd's Chess Problems and Selected Mathematical Puzzle
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Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechaniscs
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Engineering Mechanics: Statics Si
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Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Si
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Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and ControlJohn J. Craig
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Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: International Student Version
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Elements of Geometry, Plane and Spherical: With Numerous Practical Problems
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Elements of Geometry, Plane and Spherical: With Numerous Practical Problems
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Modern Quantum Mechanics: Pearson New International Edition
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A Process Theory of Medicine: Problems in Contemporary Philosophy
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Schaum's outline of theory and problems of electromagnetics
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Principles Of Quantum Mechanics, 2E
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Engineering mechanics: Statics & dynamics
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A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics
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An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
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Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: Problems and Solutions: A Sourcebook for Scientists and Engineers
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Advanced Fracture Mechanics
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Foundations of logic and linguistics: problems and their solutions
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Understanding Girls' Problem Behavior: How Girls' Delinquency Develops in the Context of Maturity and Health, Co-occurring Problems, and Relationships
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The Study of Social Problems: Seven Perspectives
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Armageddon or evolution?: the scientific method and escalating world problems
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Emotional and Behavioral Problems: A Handbook for Understanding and Handling Students
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Partial differential equations with Fourier series and boundary value problems
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Statistical Mechanics of Solids
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