Søk: 'A fine-tuned universe: the quest for God in science and theology : the 2009 Gifford lectures'
Passion for God
ISBN 9781564554734 , 1997 , Tessa Bielecki
Mere Theology
ISBN 9781844740260 , 2004
Martin Luther: The Christian Between God and Death
ISBN 9780674003873 , 2000 , Richard Marius
The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion
ISBN 9781845335472 , 2010 , John Lynch, Michael Mosley
The Science of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780521148818 , 2010 , Martin Packer
Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill
ISBN 9780060505332 , 2004 , Jessica Stern
Chemistry: the central science
ISBN 9780130103109 , 2000 , Theodore L. Brown, Harold Eugene LeMay,m.fl.
Truthful Action: Explorations in Practical Theology
ISBN 9780567087478 , 2000 , Duncan B. Forrester
Common sense: the foundations for social science
ISBN 9780819165046 , 1987
Life: The Science of Biology
ISBN 9781429219624 , 2009 , David M. Hillis, David Sadava, May Berenbaum,m.fl.
Architecture and the Urban Environment: A Vision for the New Age
ISBN 9780750654623 , 2012 , Derek Thomas
Natural Theology: Or, Evidence of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature
ISBN 9780199535750 , 2008 , David Knight
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative
ISBN 9781844741526 , 2006
Essential environment: the science behind the stories
ISBN 9780805306408 , 2006 , Scott R. Brennan, Jay Withgott
Anthropology and science: epistemologies in practice
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Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
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Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science
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From the Labyrinth of the World to the Paradise of the Heart: Science and Humanism in UNESCO's Approach to Globalization
ISBN 9780739122624 , 2008 , Vincenzo Pavone
Shrinkwrap: Methods in Behavioral Research with Psychology: the Science of Mind and Behaviour
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The I in Science: Training to Utilize Subjectivity in Research
ISBN 9788200226611 , 1996 , Judith R. Brown
Sexuality and the Christian Body: Their Way Into the Triune God
ISBN 9780631210702 , 1999 , Eugene F. Rogers
Social Theory: Twenty Introductory Lectures
ISBN 9780521690881 , 2009 , Alex Skinner, Hans Joas, Wolfgang Knobl
Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission
ISBN 9781570759482 , 2011 , David J. Bosch
A study of interactions: emerging issues in the science of adolescence : workshop summary
ISBN 9780309101653 , 2006 , Alexandra S. Beatty, Rosemary A. Chalk,m.fl.
Study Guide for Use with Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780072563405 , 2003 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald Edward Smith,m.fl.
The Sociological Quest: An Introduction to the Study of Social Life
ISBN 9780813523675 , 1996 , Evan Willis
Language and Literacy in Science Education
ISBN 9780335205981 , 2001
Dawkins' GOD: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life
ISBN 9781405125383 , 2004 , Alister E. McGrath
Brazil and the Struggle for Rubber: A Study in Environmental History
ISBN 9780521526920 , 2002 , Donald Worster, Alfred W. Crosby, Warren Dean
A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations: Introductory to a Course of Lectures on That Science to Be Commenced in Lincoln's Inn Hall, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1799 in Persuance of an Order of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
ISBN 9781141196388 , 2010 , James Mackintosh