Søk: 'After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States'
Constitutional Politics in the European Union: The Convention Moment and its Aftermath
ISBN 9781403945235 , 2007 , Dario Castiglione, Justus Schonlau, Chris Longman,m.fl.
The Politics of Migration: Managing Opportunity, Conflict and Change
ISBN 9781405116350 , 2003 , Sarah Spencer
The Politics
ISBN 9780140444216 , 1981 , Aristotle, T.A. Sinclair, Trevor J. Saunders
The Formation of National Party Systems: Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain, India, and the United States
ISBN 9780691119328 , 2004 , Pradeep K. Chhibber, Ken Kollman
The Politics of Globalization: A Reader
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Serpents in the Sand: Essays on the Nonlinear Nature of Politics and Human Destiny
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America's Mission: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy
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The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
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Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality
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Business and Politics in the European Union: Cases in Services, Agriculture and Textiles
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Just Another Major Crisis?:The United States and Europe since 2000: The United States and Europe since 2000
ISBN 9780199552030 , 2008 , Geir Lundestad
Of Walls and Bridges: The United States & Eastern Europe
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Rewriting the Language of Politics: Kisans in Colonial Bihar
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The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
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Globalisation and the Labour Market: Trade, Technology and Less Skilled Workers in Europe and the United States
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A Democracy of Distinction: Aristotle and the Work of Politics
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Venus and Furs: The Cultural Politics of Fur
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Venus and Furs: The Cultural Politics of Fur
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Britain and Turkey in the Middle East: politics and influence in the early Cold War era
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Baltic States, Education and the European Union
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Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture
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Equal democracies?: gender and politics in the Nordic countries
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The Risk Management of Everything: Rethinking the Politics of Uncertainty
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Disaster and Development: The Politics of Humanitarian Aid
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Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige
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After Empire: The Emerging Geopolitics of Central Asia
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