Søk: 'American Federalism: How the System Works'
The Collected Works of Ken Wilber: Sex, ecology, spirituality : the spirit of evolution
ISBN 9781570627446 , 2000 , Ken Wilber
American gods
ISBN 9780747263746 , 2002 , Neil Gaiman
Contemporary American Fiction
ISBN 9780748622689 , 2010
How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine
ISBN 9781444334364 , 2010 , Trisha Greenhalgh
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People: to 1877
ISBN 9781111341565 , 2011 , Neal Salisbury, Paul S. Boyer,m.fl.
Comparing Party System Change
ISBN 9780203451052 , 1998 , Jan-Erik Lane, Paul Pennings
Comparing Party System Change
ISBN 9780415165501 , 1998 , Jan-Erik Lane, Paul Pennings
A System of Geography, Including Also the Elements of Astronomy
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ISBN 9781147436051 , 2010 , Thomas Ewing, Jr.
British Democracy in the Balance: How Br
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How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089494 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How Students Learn: History in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089487 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How Students Learn: Science in the Classroom
ISBN 9780309089500 , 2004 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
ISBN 9780747572657 , 2004 , Julia Alvarez
Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World
ISBN 9780141007540 , 2004
How Novels Work
ISBN 9780199281770 , 2006 , John Mullan
Africa works: disorder as political instrument
ISBN 9780253212870 , 1999 , Patrick Chabal, Jean-Pascal Daloz
Fast Food, Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System
ISBN 9780759109155 , 2006 , Richard R. Wilk
Africa and the International System: The Politics of State Survival
ISBN 9780521576680 , 1996 , Christopher Clapham, Steve Smith,m.fl.
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: 1865-1914
ISBN 9780393927412 , 2007 , Nina Baym
A Model Quality System for the Tranfusion Service
ISBN 9783805567510 , 1998 , L.M. Berte
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
ISBN 9781557987907 , 2004 , American Psychological Association,m.fl.
The Politics of Power: A Critical Introduction to American Government
ISBN 9780393933253 , 2010 , Alan Draper, Ira Katznelson
Leftovers: Tales of the Two Latin American Lefts
ISBN 9780415956710 , 2008 , Marco A. Morales, Jorge G. Castaneda
How Children Develop: International Edition
ISBN 9781429253758 , 2010 , Robert S. Siegler, Nancy Eisenberg,m.fl.
How Humans Evolved
ISBN 9780393932713 , 2009 , Joan B. Silk, Robert Boyd (Ph. D.)
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Seventh Edition - 1865 to the present
ISBN 9780393929942 , 2009 , 7. utgave , Nina Baym
Staring: how we look
ISBN 9780195326802 , 2009
A System of Rights
ISBN 9780198292937 , 1997 , Rex Martin
The Works of Charles Babbage: The analytical engine and mechanical notation
ISBN 9781851960057 , 1989 , Martin Campbell-Kelly, Charles Babbage