Søk: 'American Pastoral'
Border Crossings: American Interactions With Israelis
ISBN 9781877864315 , 1995 , Lucy Shahar, David Kurz
American government: people, institutions, and policies
ISBN 9780395667149 , 1994
Concise Rules of APA Style
ISBN 9781433805608 , 2009 , American Psychological Association
Bill Clinton: An American Journey: Great Expectations
ISBN 9780375506109 , 2003 , Nigel Hamilton
Slavery and Public History: The Tough Stuff of American Memory
ISBN 9780807859162 , 2009
Power from Powerlessness: Tribal Governments, Institutional Niches, and American Federalism
ISBN 9780199742745 , 2011 , Laura Evans
American Kinship: A Cultural Account
ISBN 9780226739304 , 1980
American Negotiating Behavior: Wheeler-Dealers, Legal Eagles, Bullies, and Preachers
ISBN 9781601270474 , 2010
A View of the Republic: Contemporary Observations About American Society
ISBN 9781452073231 , 2010 , John Desantis
A View of the Republic: Contemporary Observations About American Society
ISBN 9781452073248 , 2010 , John Desantis
African American Family Life: Ecological and Cultural Diversity
ISBN 9781593854676 , 2007 , Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nancy E. Hill, Kenneth A. Dodge
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in American Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780073397221 , 2007 , Andrew Bennett
Foreign Affairs Strategy: The Logic of American Statecraft
ISBN 9780521692779 , 2007 , Terry L. Deibel
Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1820
ISBN 9780393927399 , 2007 , Nina Baym
The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Personality Disorders
ISBN 9781585621590 , 2005 , Donna S. Bender, John M. Oldham
American Government 2e Mt IBM 3.5
ISBN 9780697237835 , 1996 , 2. utgave
American Government 2e Mt IBM 5.25
ISBN 9780697237842 , 1996 , 2. utgave
Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology
ISBN 9780393310900 , 1994 , Paul Hoover
Katalogiseringsregler: Anglo-American cataloguing rules, second edition
ISBN 9788290790146 , 1998 , 2. utgave
Black Magic: White Hollywood and African American Culture
ISBN 9780813533841 , 2004 , Krin Gabbard
American Thought and Culture in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780748626021 , 2008 , David Ryan
American Icons: The Genesis of a National Visual Language
ISBN 9780203937846 , 2007
An American Colossus - The Singular Career Of Alexander Hamilton
ISBN 9781406750959 , 2007
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-herbal Treatments
ISBN 9780739116449 , 2007 , Herbert C. Covey
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Transformation of American Politics
ISBN 9780321383259 , 2007 , John Bullion
American Indian Legends of the Holy Man
ISBN 9781403345332 , 2002
American Indian Legends of the Holy Man
ISBN 9780759667426 , 2002
American-British-Canadian Intelligence Relations, 1939-2000
ISBN 9780714651033 , 2000 , Martin Rhodes, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones,m.fl.
Out of Many: Brief, Combined Volume: A History of the American People
ISBN 9780205010646 , 2011 , Mari Jo Buhle, John Mack Faragher,m.fl.
Academic Encounters: American Studies Student's Book: Reading, Study Skills, and Writing
ISBN 9780521673693 , 2007 , Jessica Williams