Søk: 'Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems'
Studyguide for Social Psychology by Elliot Aronson, ISBN 9780138144784: 9780138144784 0138144788
ISBN 9781428897748 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Practical Social Work Series
ISBN 9780333803134 , Jo Campling
The Social Animal
ISBN 9780716733126 , 1999 , Elliot Aronson
Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nurses: Psychology, Sociology and Communication for Project 2000
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Acp Kin Groups and Social Structure
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Social conflict: escalation, stalemate, and settlement
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Social science: philosophical and methodological foundations
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The Social Contract
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Introducing Multilingualism: A Social Approach
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Anti-Discriminatory Practice: Equality, Diversity and Social Justice
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Social Networks and the Semantic Web
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Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction
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Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
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A Conceptual and Operational Understanding of Social Resilience: Insights for Optimising Social and Environmental Outcomes in the Management of Queensland\'s Commercial Fishing Industry
ISBN 9783639006773 , 2008 , Nadine Marshall
Urban Social Geography: An Introduction
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Studyguide for Social Psychology by Smith Eliot R., ISBN 9781841694092: 9781841694092
ISBN 9781428851290 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Social Theory and Modern Sociology
ISBN 9780804713566 , 1987 , Anthony Giddens
Applied Positive Psychology: Improving Everyday Life, Health, Schools, Work, and Society
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Social Work: Critical Theory and Practice
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Understanding cross-cultural psychology: Eastern and Western perspectives
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The Development of Social Cognition and Communication
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Semantics-empowered Data, Services, and Sensor and Social Webs
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Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition
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Mediating Social Science
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Mediating Social Science
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Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
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Introducing International Social Work
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Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics
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Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method
ISBN 9781412960182 , 2010 , Charles C. Ragin, Lisa M. Amoroso
Studyguide for Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction by Kenrick, ISBN 9780205493951
ISBN 9781428860230 , 2008 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews