Søk: 'Approaches to Popular Music 1960-1980'
Music, imagination, and cultutre
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Aesthetic theory, art and popular culture
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Classical Music: The Listener's Companion
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Anticapitalism and Culture: Radical Theory and Popular Politics
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Anticapitalism and Culture: Radical Theory and Popular Politics
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Presentasjoner: fire litteraturteoretiske retninger med røtter i 1960-årene
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History of Central Africa: The contemporary years since 1960. 3
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Elements of Computer Music
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Music and the Racial Imagination
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The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches
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Music - the Business: The Essential Guide to the Law and the Deals
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Popular culture in early modern Europe
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Beyond the Music: An Experience
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Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music
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The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: Theories and Approaches
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