Søk: 'Basics Fashion Design 05: Fashion Drawing'
Principles of Digital Design
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Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design
ISBN 9780199639649 , 2012 , Chris Argyris
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019437 , 2014
Undervisning i endring: IKT, aktivitet, design
ISBN 9788279352266 , 2007 , Andreas Lund, Trond Eiliv Hauge,m.fl.
Industrial Design
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Design History: Understanding Theory and Method
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Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
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Circuit Design with Vhdl
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Game Design for Teens
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Principles Of Web Design
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Head First Design Patterns
ISBN 9780596007126 , 2004 , Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra
Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780130415714 , 2002 , Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall
Digital Graphic Design
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Product Design and Development
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Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation
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Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
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Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach
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Requirements Analysis and Systems Design
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Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals
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Research Design (International Student Edition): Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
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Analog Circuit Design
ISBN 9780792395133 , 1994 , Willy M. C. Sansen, Johan H. Huijsing,m.fl.
Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
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Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5
ISBN 9780132783392 , 2012 , Terry Ann Felke-Morris
Design and Use of Assistive Technology
ISBN 9781489989802 , 2014 , Meeko Mitsuko K. Oishi,m.fl.
iF Concept Design Award Yearbook 2012
ISBN 9783791347059 , 2012
Beginning Game Level Design
ISBN 9781592004348 , 2005 , John Harold Feil
Presentasjon: design og tekstil
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Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780273655367 , 2003 , James Cadle, Donald Yeates, Tony Wakefield
Design og handverk: grunnbok vg 1
ISBN 9788205357372 , 2007 , Ådne Løvstad, Linda Strømme,m.fl.
Building Design Cost Management
ISBN 9780632058051 , 2002 , David Jaggar, Andrew Ross, Jim Smith, Peter Love