Søk: 'Communication: Theories & Appl'
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780071123709 , 2001 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Music Therapy: Improvisation, Communication, and Culture
ISBN 9781891278044 , 1998 , Even Ruud
Corporate communication: a strategic approach to building reputation
ISBN 9788205339392 , 2005 , Peggy Simcic Brønn, Roberta Wiig Berg
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333682135 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Democracy and International Relations: Critical Theories, Problematic Practices
ISBN 9780333919965 , 2000 , Hazel Smith
Contending Theories of International Relations: A Comprehensive Survey
ISBN 9780321048318 , 2000 , James E. Dougherty, Dr Robert L Pfaltzgraff
Feminist Interventions in International Communication: Minding the Gap
ISBN 9780742553057 , 2007 , Katharine Sarikakis, Leslie Regan Shade
Business Communication: International Case Studies in English
ISBN 9780521657518 , 1998 , Drew Rodgers
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780072396904 , 2000 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Conflict and cooperation: evolving theories of international relations
ISBN 9780155015005 , 1996 , Marc A. Genest
Public Communication Campaigns (2 Ed.)
ISBN 9780803932630 , 1989
Non-Violent Communication, A Language of Life
ISBN 9781892005038 , 2003 , Marshall B. Rosenberg, Arun Gandhi
Communication as Comfort: Multiple Voices in Palliative Care
ISBN 9780805858082 , 2008
An Introduction to the Principles of Digital Communication
ISBN 9788122420838 , 2007 , N.B. Chakrabarti, A.K. Datta
Feminist interventions in international communication: minding the gap
ISBN 9780742553040 , 2007 , Katharine Sarikakis
Computer Media and Communication: A Reader
ISBN 9780198742579 , 1999 , Paul Mayer
Contemporary Diplomacy: Representation and Communication in a Globalized World
ISBN 9780745642802 , 2010 , Geoffrey Pigman
Communication Theory and Research: An Ejc Anthology
ISBN 9781412918329 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Guide For Internationals: Culture, Communication, and ESL*
ISBN 9780131705241 , 2005 , Deborah Valentine, Sana Reynolds
Communication Across Cultures: Mutual Understanding in a Global World
ISBN 9780521695572 , 2007
Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists... In Their Own Words
ISBN 9780415473446 , 2008 , Knud Illeris
Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective: International Edition
ISBN 9780205687138 , 2008 , Allen E. Ivey, Lynn Simek-Morgan,m.fl.
Computer Graphics: Programming in OpenGL for Uisual Communication
ISBN 9780131452541 , 2007 , Jennifer Fulton, Aaron Weiss, Steve Cunningham
Business across cultures: effective communication strategies
ISBN 9780201825329 , 1995 , Sarah Lynn, Laura Monahon English
European Integration: Theories Revisited for the European Union
ISBN 9780813331522 , 1997 , Wolfgang Wessels
European Integration: Theories Revisited for the European Union
ISBN 9780813331539 , 1997 , Wolfgang Wessels
Mapping world communication: war, progress, culture
ISBN 9780816622627 , 1994 , Armand Mattelart
Studyguide for Media and Communication by Scannell, Paddy, ISBN 9781412902687
ISBN 9781412902687 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Adult Personality Development: Volume 1: Theories and Concepts
ISBN 9780803944008 , 1994 , Lawrence S. Wrightsman
Classical Theories of International Relations [Recurso Electrónico]
ISBN 9780333650660 , 1996 , Iver B. Neumann