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Land and Society in Malabar.
ISBN 9780837171036 , 1974 , Adrian C. Mayer
Adolescents, work, and family: an intergenerational developmental analysis
ISBN 9780803951259 , 1996 , Jeylan T. Mortimer, Michael David Finch
Adolescents, work, and family: an intergenerational developmental analysis
ISBN 9780803951242 , 1996 , Jeylan T. Mortimer, Michael David Finch
Animal-Assisted Therapy: A Guide for Professional Counselors, School Counselors, Social Workers, and Educators
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Calculus connections: mathematics for middle school teachers
ISBN 9780131449237 , 2006 , Dorina Mitrea, UMO University Of Missouri,m.fl.
The Essentials of Family Therapy
ISBN 9780205956166 , 2013 , Michael P. Nichols
Physiological Diversity: Ecological Implications
ISBN 9780632054527 , 1999
Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective
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Modernity and self-identity: self and society in the late modern age
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Punishment and Civilization: Penal Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Society
ISBN 9780761947530 , 2002 , John Pratt
Church and Society in England, 1000-1500
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Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior
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Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind And Behavior
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Study Guide for use with Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
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Consumer Behavior
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Market society: markets and modern social theory
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Lost Person Behavior: A Search and Rescue Guide on where to Look for Land, Air, and Water
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Chaos, management and economics: the implications of non-linear thinking
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Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members
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Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Processes
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Self-presentation: impression management and interpersonal behavior
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Graphic Design School: A Foundation Course for Graphic Designers Working in Print, Moving Image and Digital Media
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Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists: International Edition
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Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900
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Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach
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Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle
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Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
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Consumer Behavior
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