Søk: 'Digital Image Compression: Algorithms and Standards'
An Introduction to Nonlinear Image Processing
ISBN 9780819415608 , 1994 , Edward R. Dougherty, Jaakko T. Astola
Creating a Learning to Learn School: Research and Practice for Raising Standards, Motivation and Morale
ISBN 9781855391864 , 2003 , Toby Greany, Jillian Rodd, Martha Harrison,m.fl.
Algorithms and Computation: Proceedings. Taejon, Korea, December 14-16, 1998
ISBN 9783540653851 , 1998 , Dingzhu Du, Toshihide Ibaraki, Kam W. Ng
Digital Graphic Design
ISBN 9780240514772 , 1996 , Ken Pender
Del gleder!: digital kompetanse i barnehagen
ISBN 9788249214327 , 2011 , Marianne Undheim
Sampling in Digital Signal Processing and Control
ISBN 9780817639341 , 1996 , Arie Feuer, Graham Clifford Goodwin
Digital System Design with SystemVerilog
ISBN 9780137045792 , 2009 , Mark Zwolinski
Digital Video Communications
ISBN 9780890068908 , 1997 , Martyn J. Riley, Iain E. G. Richardson
Digital Signal Processing: International Version
ISBN 9780132287319 , 2006 , Dimitris G. Manolakis
Principles of Digital Design
ISBN 9780133011449 , 1996 , Daniel D. Gajski
Image i politikken: visuelle og retoriske virkemidler
ISBN 9788253020921 , 1999 , Anne Krogstad
Digital destiny: new media and the future of democracy
ISBN 9781565847958 , 2007 , Jeff Chester
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
ISBN 9780273789970 , 2013 , Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane Price Laudon
Average and Edge Stresses for Thin Flat Aluminium Alloy Plates in Compression
ISBN 9781862465183 , 1947
The Image of the City
ISBN 9780262620017 , 1960 , Kevin Lynch
A Computational Model of Auditory Masking Based on Signal-dependent Compression
ISBN 9783832212544 , 2003 , Jorg M. Buchholz
DidIKTikk: digital kompetanse i praktisk unndervisning
ISBN 9788245005110 , 2008 , Monica Johannesen, Tonje Hilde Giæver,m.fl.
Electronic Image Collection to Accompany "Merrill's Atlas"
ISBN 9780323024440 , 2003 , Eugene D. Frank, Philip W. Ballinger,m.fl.
A digital gift to the nation: fulfilling the promise of the digital and Internet age
ISBN 9780870784668 , 2001 , Lawrence K. Grossman, Newton N. Minow,m.fl.
Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image
ISBN 9780691028606 , 1991 , Charles J. Maland
International Regulation of Underwater Sound: Establishing Rules and Standards to Address Ocean Noise Pollution
ISBN 9781402080777 , 2005 , Elena McCarthy
An Introduction to Morphological Image Processing
ISBN 9780819408457 , 1992 , Edward R. Dougherty
New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age
ISBN 9781847875747 , 2009
European Media in the Digital Age: Analysis and Approaches
ISBN 9781405821971 , 2009 , Richard Rooke
Krisekommunikation: når virksomhedens image og omdømme er truet
ISBN 9788759308677 , 2007 , Winni Johansen, Finn Frandsen
Digital Radiography: An Introduction
ISBN 9781401889999 , 2005 , Euclid Seeram
Image of Bar Kokhba - Ppr.: False Messiah and National Hero
ISBN 9780271009407 , 1993 , Richard Gordon Marks
Skinny Bits: Wisdom for a Flourishing Image Business
ISBN 9781589398733 , 2006 , Lynne Marks
Digital Culture: Understanding New Media
ISBN 9780335221974 , 2008 , Glen Creeber, Royston Martin
Principles of Digital Design
ISBN 9780132423977 , 1997 , Daniel D. Gajski