Søk: 'Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics'
Presentation Zen Design: Simple Design Principles and Techniques to Enhance Your Presentations
ISBN 9780321668790 , 2009 , Garr Reynolds
Approaches to Popular Film
ISBN 9780719043932 , 1995 , Joanne Hollows, Mark Jancovich
Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques
ISBN 9780470639184 , 2010 , John DiMarco
Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era
ISBN 9781405198240 , 2009 , Douglas M. Kellner
Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
ISBN 9780849339196 , 2010 , Cox Guy C
Film og pedagogikk: dialog og refleksjon i møte med film
ISBN 9788290463934 , 2000 , Ola Erstad, Lars Thomas Braaten
Advanced Digital Communications: Systems and Signal Processing Techniques
ISBN 9781884932021 , 1997 , Kamilo Feher
Mitt liv som film
ISBN 9788210047053 , 2002 , Tor Åge Bringsværd, Anne Hoff
Option Volatility & Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques
ISBN 9781557384867 , 1994 , Sheldon Natenberg
Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film
ISBN 9781845113773 , 2007 , Jeremy Hicks
New Moon (film tie-in)
ISBN 9781905654604 , 2009 , Stephenie Meyer
Transnational Cinema, the Film Reader
ISBN 9780415371582 , 2005 , Elizabeth Ezra, Terry Rowden, Ina Rae Hark,m.fl.
On Film Editing
ISBN 9780240517384 , 1984 , Edward Dmytryk
American science fiction and the Cold War: literature and film
ISBN 9781853312274 , 1999
The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics
ISBN 9780231106016 , 1994 , Martha Woodmansee, Arthur Coleman Danto
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Introductory Concepts and Techniques [With DVD ROM]
ISBN 9781439079287 , 2009 , Gary B. Shelly, Joy L. Starks, Thomas J. Cashman
Charles Dickens' Great expectations: the relationship between text and film
ISBN 9780713679090 , 2008 , Brian McFarlane
Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed
ISBN 9780787955892 , 2001
Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production
ISBN 9780240807737 , 2007 , Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071180016 , 2001 , David Bordwell
Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas
ISBN 9780812214345 , 1992 , Robert R. Desjarlais
Film Style and Story: A Tribute to Torben Grodal
ISBN 9788772898513 , 2003 , Lennard Højbjerg, Peter Schepelern,m.fl.
Fra bok til film: om adaptasjoner av litterære tekster
ISBN 9788202380793 , 2013 , Arne Engelstad
Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
ISBN 9783764386009 , 2009 , Astrid Zimmermann
Applied Multivariate Techniques and Spss Software 11.0 CD Set
ISBN 9780471659426 , 2003 , O. Shenkar
Toward a New Film Aesthetic
ISBN 9780826428707 , 2008 , Bruce Isaacs
The Road. Film Tie-In
ISBN 9780330469487 , 2008 , Cormac McCarthy, C. MacCarthy
Return on Engagement: Content, Strategy and Design Techniques for Digital Marketing
ISBN 9780240812830 , 2010 , Tim Frick
Post-Classical Hollywood: History, Film Style, and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638574 , 2010 , Barry Langford
Mental Health Concepts and Techniques for the Occupational Therapy Assistant
ISBN 9780781778398 , 2008