Søk: 'Eastern Crossroads. Essays on Medieval Christian Legacy'
From handaxe to Khan: essays presented to Peder Mortensen on the occasion of his 70th birthday
ISBN 9788779341074 , 2004 , Henrick Thrane, Kjeld Von Folsach, Ingolf Thuesen,m.fl.
Forgreininger: essays og annen prosa
ISBN 9788203187117 , 2004 , Thure Erik Lund
Essays og artikler: 1910-1919
ISBN 9788203187926 , 2004 , Liv Bliksrud, Sigrid Undset
Stillhetens historie og andre essays
ISBN 9788215005478 , 2004 , Peter Englund, Per Qvale
Cruel As the Grave: A Medieval Mystery
ISBN 9780345434227 , 1999 , Sharon Kay Penman
Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide
ISBN 9780813208428 , 1996 , Frank Anthony Carl Mantello, A. G. Rigg
Postmetaphysical Thinking: Philosophical Essays
ISBN 9780745614120 , 1994 , Jurgen Habermas
A Christian Theology of Marriage and Family
ISBN 9780809141180 , 2003 , Julie Hanlon Rubio
On War
ISBN 9780199540020 , 2008 , Carl von Clausewitz, Peter Paret
Textbook on Contract Law
ISBN 9780199687220 , 2014
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
ISBN 9780198614425 , 2006
Studies in Medieval Stained Glass and Monasticism
ISBN 9781899828333 , 2000 , Meredith P. Lillich
Four essays on trade, foreign direct investment, and markets in Pakistan = Fire artikler om handel, utlendingers direkte investeringer og markeder i Pakistan
ISBN 9788257511944 , 2014 , Burhan Ahmad
Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse: Thinking Beyond Thecla
ISBN 9780567030368 , 2009
Against Interpretation, and Other Essays
ISBN 9780312280864 , 2001 , Susan Sontag
Tanke, tro og liv: to essays
ISBN 9788230005118 , 2009 , Trond Nyquist Andresen
Musikk og verdier: musikkpedagogiske essays
ISBN 9788200225706 , 1996 , Even Ruud
Poesi og lærepenger: essays, artikler, foredrag
ISBN 9788205393721 , 2009 , Øyvind Berg
On Farming
ISBN 9788492861217 , 2010 , Mason White, Maya Przybylski
Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland
ISBN 9788276342529 , 2000 , Terje Knutsen, Frank H. Aarebrot
Limerick and South-West Ireland: Medieval Art and Architecture
ISBN 9781907625077 , 2010 , Roger Stalley
Limerick and South-West Ireland: Medieval Art and Architecture
ISBN 9781907625084 , 2010 , Roger Stalley
Reviewing leadership: a Christian evaluation of current approaches
ISBN 9780801026904 , 2004 , Robert J. Banks
Tydelig. 33; essays 1965-1998
ISBN 9788205264946 , 1999 , Jan Erik Vold
Northern Ireland at the Crossroads: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill Years, 1960-9
ISBN 9780333760758 , 2000 , Marc Mulholland
System and Bayesian Reliability: Essays in Honor of Professor Richard E. Barlow on His 70th Birthday
ISBN 9789810248659 , 2001 , Yu Hayakawa, Min Xie
Nokpunktet: essays om helse og verdighet
ISBN 9788215013473 , 2008 , Per Fugelli
Remaining Relevant After Communism: The Role of the Writer in Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780226867663 , 2006 , Andrew Baruch Wachtel
With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampeled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House
ISBN 9781565849204 , 2004 , Esther Kaplan
Christian Thoroughness, a Memorial Sketch of T. A. Shillington
ISBN 9780217457347 , 2012 , John Dwyer