Søk: 'Enabling praxis: challenges for education'
Challenges to representative democracy: parties, voters and public opinion
ISBN 9788276745153 , 1999 , Hanne Marthe Narud, Toril Aalberg
Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
ISBN 9781853593628 , 1998 , Colin Baker, Catherine E. Snow
All Too Human: A Political Education
ISBN 9780316930161 , 2000
The Politics of Mathematics Education
ISBN 9789027723505 , 1987 , Stieg Mellin-Olsen
Statistikk for økonomifag
ISBN 9788205424838 , 2012 , 4. utgave , Jan Ubøe
Dreams of Calculus: Perspectives On Mathematics Education
ISBN 9783540219767 , 2004 , Claes Johnson, Johan Hoffman, Anders Logg
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Sociology of Education
ISBN 9780415327763 , 2003 , Stephen Ball
Siberian Education: Growing Up in a Criminal Underworld
ISBN 9781921656323 , 2010 , Nicolai Lilin
Child Rearing in America: Challenges Facing Parents with Young Children
ISBN 9780521012645 , 2002 , Neal Halfon, Kathryn Taaffe McLearn,m.fl.
Flexible Leadership: Creating Value by Balancing Multiple Challenges and Choices
ISBN 9780787965310 , 2004 , Gary A. Yukl, Richard Lepsinger
Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalization, and the next world power
ISBN 9780813192024 , 2009 , Yufan Hao, C.X.George Wei, Lowell Dittmer
Challenges to Chinese foreign policy: diplomacy, globalization, and the next world power
ISBN 9780813125299 , 2009 , Yufan Hao, C.X.George Wei, Lowell Dittmer
First Things: The Moral, Social and Religious Challenges of the Day
ISBN 9780860123880 , 2005 , Charles Moore, Cherie Booth, Gyles Brandreth,m.fl.
Matematikk for økonomi og samfunnsfag: løsningsforslag til 8. utgave
ISBN 9788276348682 , 2010 , 8. utgave , Frank Tolcsiner
Adobe Illustrator CS2: Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition
ISBN 9781418839642 , 2005 , Chris Botello
Internationalising Social Work Education: Considerations and Developments
ISBN 9781861780690 , 2005 , Karen Lyons, Brian Littlechild, Mary Carlsen,m.fl.
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice
ISBN 9780761961406 , 2003 , Peter Freebody
The EFQM Excellence Model in Higher Education
ISBN 9781905145041 , 2005 , Sue Jackson, Mick Hides, Jill Wild
Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education
ISBN 9781402012082 , 2003 , Lotte Rienecker, Lennart A. Bjork, Gerd Brauer,m.fl.
Learner Autonomy Across Cultures: Language Education Perspectives
ISBN 9781403993403 , 2005 , David Palfreyman, Richard C. Smith
A world growing old: the coming health care challenges
ISBN 9780878406326 , 1995 , Daniel Callahan, Ruud H. J. Ter Meulen,m.fl.
Statistical methods in education and psychology
ISBN 9780205142125 , 1996 , Kenneth D. Hopkins, Gene V. Glass
Studyguide for Introduction to Politics of the Developing World: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas by Mark Kesselman, ISBN 9780495833451
ISBN 9781616545994 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Grandparents as carers of children with disabilities: facing the challenges
ISBN 9780789011923 , 2000 , Philip McCallion
Grandparents as carers of children with disabilities: facing the challenges
ISBN 9780789011930 , 2000 , Phillip Mccallion
Physiology of Behavior:International Edition Plus MyPsychKit Access Card
ISBN 9781408227992 , 2010 , Pearson Education
Universal Design Education Project 2.0: Strategies for Teaching Lifespan Issues to Future Designers
ISBN 9788290122053 , 1996
Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics & Moral Education
ISBN 9780520238640 , 2003 , Nel Noddings
Making a Difference: Developing Meaningful Careers in Education
ISBN 9781594517075 , 2009 , Karen Hunter Quartz, Brad Olsen, Lauren Anderson,m.fl.
Behemoth Teaches Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on Political Education
ISBN 9780739120934 , 2007 , Geoffrey M. Vaughan, Daniel J. Mahoney