Søk: 'Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics SI - Study Pack'
ISBN 9781587131608 , 2005 , None, Prentice Hall
Statistical Mechanics
ISBN 9780750624695 , 1996 , R. K. Pathria, Paul D. Beale
Chemical and Energy Process Engineering
ISBN 9781420087550 , 2008 , Sigurd Skogestad
Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook
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Software Engineering: Principles and Practice
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Fundamentals of Thermal-fluid Sciences (SI Units)
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Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity: An Introduction
ISBN 9781489974846 , 2015 , Hal F. Brinson, L. Catherine Brinson
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science
ISBN 9788120336919 , 2008 , Gilbert M. Masters, Wendell P. Ela
Large Herbivore Ecology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
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Dynamics of Fracture
ISBN 9783540642749 , 2000 , Nikita Morozov, Yuri Petrov, V. Stenkin
Principles of Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9781475705782 , 2012 , R. Shankar
Clin Anatomy 5E and Med Phys Clin Pack
ISBN 9781605474496 , 2008 , 5. utgave , Moore/Rhoades
Environmental Science and Engineering
ISBN 9780131206502 , 1996 , Gary W. Heinke, J. Glynn Henry
SI Chemical Data, 6th Edition + E-Text Registration Card
ISBN 9781118534373 , 2013 , 6. utgave
Total English Elementary Student's Book and DVD Pack
ISBN 9781405815611 , 2005 , Mark Foley, Diane Hall
Quantum Mechanics Demystified
ISBN 9780071486705 , 2005 , David McMahon
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects
ISBN 9780120887590 , 2011 , Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Jean-Marie Beckers
Engineering with Excel
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Fund Organic Chem and Study Guide
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Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering: Chemical ...
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Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology
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Engineering and Managing Software Requirements
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Enclosure Fire Dynamics
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Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation
ISBN 9780198525257 , 2003 , Russell Lande, Steinar Engen, Bernt-Erik Saether
Fluid Mechanics with Student CD
ISBN 9780071286466 , 2008 , 6. utgave , Frank M. White
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science
ISBN 9780131481930 , 2007 , Gilbert M. Masters, Wendell Ela
Likeså, skulle han si: roman
ISBN 9788210048333 , 2003 , Einar O. Risa
Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering: Principles and Applications
ISBN 9781405194709 , 2010 , Ferenc Mohos
Quantum Mechanics Demystified
ISBN 9780071455466 , 2006 , David McMahon