Søk: 'European Dictatorships, 1918-1945'
An Outline of European Architecture. Nikolaus Pevsner
ISBN 9780500342411 , 2009 , Nikolaus Pevsner, Michael Forsyth
GeroPsychology: European Perspectives for an Aging World
ISBN 9780889373402 , 2007 , R. Fernandez-Ballesteros
The European Union: Economics, Policies and History
ISBN 9780077118136 , 2009 , Susan Senior Nello
Creative Economies, Creative Cities: Asian-European Perspectives
ISBN 9781402099489 , 2009
The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union
ISBN 9780415543354 , 2009 , O'Brennan John, John O' Brennan
Etterretningstjenesten i Norge 1940-1945. Bd. 2; harde år
ISBN 9788245808520 , 2008 , Ragnar Ulstein
European integration: theories and approaches
ISBN 9780819194558 , 1994 , Hans J. Michelmann, Panayotis Soldatos
The International Relations of the European Union
ISBN 9780582472938 , 2004
Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918
ISBN 9780520204461 , 1997 , Hasan Kayali
The Economics of European Integration. Richard Baldwin and Charles Wyplosz
ISBN 9780077131722 , 2012 , Charles Wyplosz, Richard E Baldwin
The European Union: economics and policies
ISBN 9780273679998 , 2004 , A. M. El-Agraa
Ambiguity and Deterrence: British Nuclear Strategy, 1945-1964
ISBN 9780198280125 , 1995
Anticolonialism in British politics: the left and the end of Empire, 1918-1964
ISBN 9780198204237 , 1993 , Stephen Howe
A Guide to European Union Law and Institutions
ISBN 9781847161604 , 2010 , Richard Wallis
Beyond Hollywood's grasp: American filmmakers abroad, 1914-1945
ISBN 9780810828414 , 1994
Operasjon Polar Bear 6 East: slepebåtaksjonen i Østfold 1945
ISBN 9788245806618 , 2004 , Petter Ringen Johannessen
Den svarte fredagen: luftkampen over Sunnfjord 9. februar 1945
ISBN 9788291722306 , 2003 , Halvor Sperbund, Kjell Ove Nordeide
Solregn over Skrede: Anna og Johan. Thor. 1945-1962
ISBN 9788252551068 , 2003 , 1. utgave , Erling Pedersen
A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945
ISBN 9780195106015 , 2003 , William R. Keylor
Hitlers hemmelige agenter: tysk etterretning i Norge 1939-1945
ISBN 9788215000756 , 2001 , Tore Pryser
Taking Sides: Clashing Views in United States History Since 1945
ISBN 9780073515199 , 2007
The Competition Policy in the European Union
ISBN 9780230006751 , 2008 , Michelle Cini, Lee McGowan
Current Developments in European Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780104002742 , 2003 , Select Committee on the European Union
European Review of Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471939078 , 1993 , Miles Hewstone
European Models of Bilingual Education
ISBN 9781853591822 , 1993
Global marketing management: a European perspective
ISBN 9780138418267 , 2000 , Warren J. Keegan, Bodo Schlegelmilch,m.fl.
The Nordic States and European Unity
ISBN 9780801486593 , 2000 , Christine Ingebritsen
Understanding the Consumer: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780136163688 , 2000 , Bernard Dubois
Citizenship and Governance in the European Union
ISBN 9780826479198 , 2005
Foundations of Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273703860 , 2005 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens,m.fl.