Søk: 'Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: Global Edition'
Fundamentals of engineering economics
ISBN 9780130307910 , 2004 , Chan S. Park
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
ISBN 9780471731948 , 2004 , Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Borgnakke
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
ISBN 9780471442509 , 2002 , Donald F. Young, Bruce Roy Munson,m.fl.
Fundamentals of Retailing and Shopper Marketing
ISBN 9780273757399 , 2012 , Jan Hillesland, Thomas E. Rudolph, Odd Gisholt,m.fl.
Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
ISBN 9781455741656 , 2014 , Carl A. Burtis, David E. Bruns
Fundamentals of Analog Circuits
ISBN 9780130606198 , 2001 , Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla
Fundamentals of Power Electronics
ISBN 9780792372707 , 2001 , Robert Warren Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic
The end of corporate imperialism
ISBN 9781422179734 , 2008 , Kenneth Lieberthal, C. K. Prahalad
The Governance of Corporate Groups
ISBN 9780521025799 , 2006 , Janet Dine
Fundamentals of pharmacognosy and phytotherapy
ISBN 9780443071324 , 2004 , Elizabeth M. Williamson, Michael Heinrich,m.fl.
International Corporate Governance
ISBN 9780273751250 , 2012 , Marc Goergen
Fundamentals of Molecular Catalysis
ISBN 9780444509215 , 2003 , Hideo Kurosawa, Akio Yamamoto
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
ISBN 9780534395780 , 2003 , John E. McMurry
Fundamentals of Database Systems
ISBN 9780201542639 , 2000 , Ramez Elmasri, Sham Navathe
Fundamentals of database systems
ISBN 9780805317558 , 2000 , Ramez Elmasri, Sham Navathe
Whetten: Developing Management Skills plus MyManagementLab, Global Edition, 8e
ISBN 9781408259207 , 8. utgave
ISBN 9789810694364
Corporate Governance
ISBN 9780199566457 , 2009 , Christine Mallin
Electronics Fundamentals
ISBN 9781292025681 , 2013
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics
ISBN 9780471317135 , 2000 , Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro
Corporate Finance with Student CD-ROM PowerWeb and Standard & Poor's Market Insight
ISBN 9780071238441 , 2004 , Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics: With Appendices
ISBN 9780470646953 , 2011 , Michael J. Moran
Strategic Finance
ISBN 9780954147730 , 2008
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution
ISBN 9780878932665 , 1999 , Dan Graur, Wen-Hsiung Li
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies
ISBN 9780470565445 , 2012 , K. Daniel Wong
Wie Introduction to International Trade and Finance International Edition
ISBN 9780471452201 , 2005 , Dominick Salvatore
Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292009209 , 2014 , Efraim Turban, Dursun Delen
Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems
ISBN 9780470129067 , 2008 , Michael N. DeMers
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, JustAsk!
ISBN 9780470067222 , 2008 , Donald Young, Bruce R. Munson,m.fl.
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
ISBN 9781437709896 , 2012 , Nancy A. Brunzel