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Federalism and the European Union: The Building of Europe, 1950-2000
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The terminal man
ISBN 9780552152747 , 2004 , Andrew Donkin, Alfred Mehran,m.fl.
A Changed Man and Other Tales
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Politics and Paintings at the Venice Biennale 1948-64: Italy and the 'Idea of Europe'
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Academia and state socialism: essays on the political history of academic life in post-1945 Hungary and Eastern Europe
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Anjou: Medieval Art, Architecture, and Archaeology
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The Upright Man
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Religion of the Ancient Celts (1911)
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Panofsky and the Foundations of Art History
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Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present: A Short History
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The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland
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Millennium in Central Europe: a history of Hungary
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The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and Medieval Concept of Order
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