Søk: 'Ideology and Modern Culture: Critical Social Theory in the Era of Mass Communication'
Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice
ISBN 9782940373093 , 2005 , Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts
Religion, Realism and Social Theory: Making Sense of Society
ISBN 9780761948650 , 2004 , P. Mellor, Philip A. Mellor
How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780199331161 , 2014 , Robert Dale Parker
Affluence and activism: organised consumers in the post-war era
ISBN 9788274771864 , 2004 , Iselin Theien, Even Lange
Buddhism in the Modern World
ISBN 9780415780155 , 2011 , David L. McMahan
Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics
ISBN 9780631215684 , 2001 , Noel Castree, Bruce Braun
Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective
ISBN 9780631227472 , 2003 , Bernd Simon
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
ISBN 9780230355774 , 2013 , Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles
The Handbook of Crisis Communication
ISBN 9781405194419 , 2009 , Sherry J. Holladay, W. Timothy Coombs
Biochemistry Illustrated: Biochemistry And Molecular Biology In The Post-Genomic Era
ISBN 9780443100345 , 2005
Not by Chance!: Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution
ISBN 9781880582244 , 1998 , Lee M Spetner, Ph.D.
Using Communication Theory: An Introduction to Planned Communication
ISBN 9780803984318 , 1992 , Benno Signitzer, Jean T. Olson
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
ISBN 9780471732433 , 2004 , Frank P. Incropera
Critical thinking and reasoning: current research, theory, and practice
ISBN 9781572734593 , 2002 , Daniel Fasko
Religion, Realism and Social Theory: Making Sense of Society
ISBN 9780761948643 , 2004 , P. Mellor
Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era
ISBN 9780745610191 , 1995
From Blessing to Violence: History and Ideology in the Circumcision Ritual of the Merina
ISBN 9780521314046 , 1986 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
Critical thinking: theory, research, practice, and possibilities
ISBN 9780913317440 , 1988 , AEHE, Joanne Gainen Kurfiss
Political Power and Social Theory
ISBN 9780892322046 , 1982 , Gosta Esping- Andersen
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives
ISBN 9780199260218 , 2006 , Mary Jo Hatch, Ann L. Cunliffe
The Park Chung Hee Era: The Transformation of South Korea
ISBN 9780674072312 , 2013 , Jorge I. Domínguez
The Rise of the Sixties: American and European Art in the Era of Dissent, 1955-69
ISBN 9780297835448 , 1996 , Thomas E. Crow
Information and communication technologies in the welfare services
ISBN 9781843100492 , 2003 , Elizabeth Harlow, Stephen A. Webb
Illness and Irony: On the Ambiguity of Suffering in Culture
ISBN 9781571816740 , 2003 , Michael Lambek, Paul Antze
Public relations and social theory: key figures and concepts
ISBN 9780415997867 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Henry Ford and the Jews: the mass production of hate
ISBN 9781586481636 , 2002 , Neil Baldwin
Mapping world communication: war, progress, culture
ISBN 9780816622627 , 1994 , Armand Mattelart
Doing Time: Feminist Theory and Postmodern Culture
ISBN 9780814727072 , 2000 , Rita Felski
Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780745661063 , 2012 , John B. Thompson
Social theory: roots and branches : readings
ISBN 9781891487965 , 2003