Søk: 'Marketing Management ** Kun for salg til BI studenter *****'
Introductory Statistics for Management and Economics
ISBN 9781428814301 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, 4th Edition Kenkel
Quantitative Methods for Business and Management
ISBN 9780077109028 , 2006 , Frank Dewhurst
Principles of Contracting for Project Management
ISBN 9780972672993 , 2006 , Yanping Chen
Software Project Management
ISBN 9780077122799 , 2009
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781118929322 , 2014 , Peter Moles, Alan C Shapiro
Veiledning i oppgaveskriving for juridiske studenter: eksamensbesvarelser med kommentarer : (1.-5. avdeling)
ISBN 9788251825696 , 1988 , Peter E. Hambro
Arbeidsbok og casesamling til Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer
ISBN 9788245014464 , 2013 , Dag Ingvar Jacobsen, Jan Thorsvik
Advanced Management Accounting
ISBN 9781292026596 , 2013 , Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
Basic Marketing Research
ISBN 9780131296138 , 2004 , Ronald F. Bush, Alvin C. Burns
Essentials Of Marketing
ISBN 9780273687856 , 2004 , Stephen Pettitt, Dr. Frances Brassington
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780130391278 , 2004 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural ...
ISBN 9781452257174 , 2013 , Marieke de Mooij
Quantitative Analysis for Investment Management
ISBN 9780133196900 , 1996 , Robert A. Taggart
Studentevaluering av undervisning: håndbok for lærere og studenter i høyere utdanning
ISBN 9788245600728 , 1996 , Gunnar Handal
Kellogg on marketing
ISBN 9780471353997 , 2001 , Philip Kotler, Dawn Iacobucci,m.fl.
Management Accounting:Information for Decision-making and Strategy Execution
ISBN 9780273769989 , 2011 , Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management
ISBN 9780867156102 , 2013 , Reny de Leeuw, Gary D. Klasser
Economic Analysis for Management and Policy
ISBN 9780335218462 , 2005 , Stephen Jan, Lilani Kumarayanake, Kara Hanson,m.fl.
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780130283290 , 2000 , Philip Kotler, Gary M. Armstrong
Essentials of Global Marketing
ISBN 9780273717843 , 2008 , Svend Hollensen
Statistics for Management and Economics SG
ISBN 9780534391911 , 2002 , Keller
Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations
ISBN 9780195085037 , 1995 , Sharon M. Oster
Studyguide for International Management by Mead, Richard, ISBN 9781405173995
ISBN 9781405173995 , 2012 , Richard Mead
Skrive for å lære: skriving i høyere utdanning
ISBN 9788279352938 , 2010 , Torlaug Løkensgard Hoel, Olga Dysthe,m.fl.
Tro til handling : sammen for en rettferdig verden
ISBN 9788254311981 , 2012 , Atle Sommerfeldt
Vår sosiale virkelighet: innføring i sosiologi for studenter ved Politihøgskolen
ISBN 9788241203589 , 1999 , Kari Rønneberg
ISBN 9780618159499 , 2003
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780131202757 , 2003 , Philip Kotler, Gary M. Armstrong
Investments and portfolio management
ISBN 9780071289146 , 2011 , Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
International marketing research
ISBN 9780130453860 , 2000 , V. Kumar