Søk: 'Materials and Equipment - Whitewares: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 12'
Engineering Aspects of Geomechanics, Glaciology and Geocryology
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CONPAR 81: Conference on Analysing Problem Classes and Programming for Parallel Computing, Nurnberg, June 10-12, 1981. Proceedings
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An Introduction To Intellectual Property: Essays And Materials
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Linne & Ringsrud's Clinical Laboratory Science: The Basics and Routine Techniques
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Mechanics of Materials
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Bringing Science and Religion into Harmony
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Networked Services and Applications - Engineering, Control and Management: 16th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2010, Trondheim, Norway, June 28-30, 2010, Proceedings
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Mechanics of Materials
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Advances in Scattering and Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop, Tsepelovo, Greece, 18-21 September 2003
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Pondus, den 12. mann
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Cyclopedia of Engineering: A Manual of Steam Boilers, Steam Pumps, Steam Engines, Gas and Oil Engines, Marine and Locomotive Work, Volume 4
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Mechanics of Materials
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Study Guide: Introduction to Supply and Materials Management
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Algorithms in modern mathematics and computer science: proceedings, Urgench, Uzbek SSR, September 16-22, 1979
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Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
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Introduction to Materials Management:
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Valuation: The Art and Science of Corporate Investment Decisions
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Bringing Science and Religion into Harmony
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AQA/Edexcel/OCR - Science and Psychology
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