Søk: 'Modellmakt og altersentriske spedbarn: Essays on Dialogue in Infant & Adult'
Child Protection & Adult Mental Health: Conflict of Interest?
ISBN 9780750629041 , 1999 , Amy Weir, Anthony Douglas
Windows to a Soul: A Daily Inspired Dialogue with Jesus
ISBN 9781412056304 , 2006 , Carolee Merrigan
Does China Matter? a Reassessment: Essays in Memory of Gerald Segal
ISBN 9780415304122 , 2004 , Barry Buzan, Rosemary Foot
Kvifor måtte Nora gå?: nye essays og andre tekstar
ISBN 9788203188367 , 2004 , Eldrid Lunden
Psykologi i organisasjon og ledelse
ISBN 9788245014495 , 2015 , Geir Kaufmann, Astrid Kaufmann
Major problems in American history since 1945: documents and essays
ISBN 9780395868508 , 2001 , Robert Griffith, Paula C. Baker
Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays
ISBN 9780241142950 , 2009 , Zadie Smith
Against Interpretation and Other Essays
ISBN 9780141190068 , 2009 , Susan Sontag
Avenues to the Past: Essays Presented to Sir Charles Brett on His 75th Year
ISBN 9780900457609 , 2003 , Richard Oram, Peter Marlow, Jennifer Jenkins,m.fl.
Dialogue Editing for Motion Pictures: A Guide to the Invisible Art
ISBN 9780240809182 , 2007 , John Purcell
Alfred Hitchcock: centenary essays
ISBN 9780851707365 , 1999 , Richard Allen, S.Ishii Gonzales
Adult Psychopathology, Second Edition: A Social Work Perspective
ISBN 9780684843315 , 1999 , 2. utgave , Francis Joseph Turner
Bad advice: Bush's lawyers in the war on terror
ISBN 9780700616435 , 2009 , Harold H. Bruff
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
ISBN 9781559363952 , 2013 , Professor Tony Kushner
Action, Ability and Health: Essays in the Philosphy of Action and Welfare
ISBN 9789048154128 , 2010 , L.Y Nordenfelt
Music Grooves: Essays And Dialogues
ISBN 9781587364129 , 2005 , Charles Keil, Steven Feld
Politics and Culture in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honour of H. G. Koenigsberger
ISBN 9780521527026 , 2002 , Phyllis Mack, Margaret C. Jacob
On Competition
ISBN 9781422126967 , 2008 , Michael E. Porter
On China
ISBN 9781846143465 , 2011 , Henry Kissinger
Rød resept; essays om perfeksjon, prestasjon og helse
ISBN 9788251838627 , 1999 , Per Fugelli
Det handler om å leve: essays og prekener
ISBN 9788205149458 , 1985 , Karsten Isachsen
Hvorfor jeg ikke er kristen og andre essays om religion og livssyn
ISBN 9788290425192 , 1996 , Bertrand Russell
Reading Erskine Caldwell: new essays
ISBN 9780786423439 , 2005 , Robert L. McDonald
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays. Since 1914
ISBN 9780618370382 , 2005 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Adult Development, Therapy, and Culture: A Postmodern Synthesis
ISBN 9780306453533 , 1997 , Gerald D. Young
Yrkesrettet opplæring i skole og arbeidsliv
ISBN 9788278410875 , 2000 , Jan Fredrik Waage
International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge
ISBN 9780520209572 , 1998 , Frederick Cooper, Randall M. Packard
Underveis mot den annen: essays av og om Levinas
ISBN 9788290016802 , 1998 , Emmanuel Lévinas, Asbjørn Aarnes
Legekultur: Essays om børnekultur, leg og fortælling
ISBN 9788778382122 , 1996 , Flemming Mouritsen
Cratering in Marine Environments and on Ice
ISBN 9783540406686 , 2003 , Henning Dypvik, Mark Burchell, Philippe Claeys,m.fl.